I was first introduced to this concept by a girl for whom I betimes had feelings. At first, I resisted, because I understand agency, but she insisted it worked. I think the point is that it CAN work, if we keep in mind what's really going on here.
No matter how positively you think, your positive thoughts must be in synch with the true energy of a system. No matter how optimistic you are, you cannot use the Think System to force the earth to rotate in the opposite direction, roll back time, or steal the Declaration of Indepedence without getting caught. See, all of these things operate under a wave form that is so much more powerful than your thoughts, unless you are naive enough to believe this world is the Matrix where you can bend things to your will because the world is all inside your head.
If it were a true principle that optimism must change your circumstances, consider how awful the consequences might be. For example, I have noticed that optimism never works out for the villains. Despite their positive thoughts about how their schemes will work, the heroes always vanquish them. So much for the power of positive thinking. See, no matter how hard we try, we cannot overcome forces that are beyond our control.
Positive thinking is closely coupled to submissiveness. Only when we submit ourselves to the truth of an existant energy wave can we really change our stars. For this reason, we cannot bring people back from the dead or force people to love us against their will. Instances where the agency of another person is involved are equally so no-win scenarios. However, once you are in sync with the energy wave, anything that wave form makes possible is something you can and will achieve if you ride the wave.
Despite my hopes and positive thinking and conscious language, that girl decided to choose another adventure. She probably couldn't understand why her efforts to positively think for me haven't born fruit. I was in love with her, and she wasn't in love with me. See, she wanted me to be happy, just not to be with her. Ever. How more dissonant can two wave forms be?
The first law of optimism is actually submissiveness. Until we are willing to admit where we really are, we cannot hope to arrive where we intend to be. Unless we acknowledge our present position, any compass bearing we take will not necessarily lead us to our goal. Submissiveness to truth of things as they really are, as they really were, and as they really will be opens us up to be acted upon by powers beyond us. As long as we resist, any good intended for us will pass around us and we will forgo any protections against ill winds that might otherwise be afforded us.
Perhaps for this reason did King Benjamin exhort his people to "Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend." Isaiah also taught us that "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." The true power of positive thinking lies in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. In Him we live and breathe and have our being. By Him the heavens were and are created. He is our happy ending. His positive power in our lives is the only way to make the most positive difference. If you would harness the power of positive thinking, think on and about the Savior, who is the only power by whom a happy ending is really guaranteed.
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