23 August 2011

Hobbits, Hancock, and Habadashery

Statists deal in notions. They are todays Habadashers, who sell us trinkets and beads and tell us what to think and why. They are the elites of yesteryear, the reason why Jefferson fought so ardently against Hamilton's advocacy of a monarchy. They are out there using denigratory terms against us to disspirit us and draw attention away from their flaws, which are legion. Unlike Hancock, they're not willing to risk any of their riches, instead expecting you to risk your own.

Their core principle is that your principles, whatever they are unless you share 100% with them, are stupid. When they fight, they fight to the death to enforce their ideology on other people. Frequently, they are very brave here but reticent to sign up to fight for American ideals abroad, and when they do, they seek exemptions as 'conscientious objectors'. How you take the officer's oath and then pull that stunt is beyond me. Among their largest campaigns we see the notion that I should put aside what I believe while they get to have whatever they believe at the expense of mine. Anyone who disagrees with them is unreasonable, unbalanced, and uncooperative. They clothe themselves in odd old ends stolen forth from holy writ and seem a saint when most they play the devil. They clamour for what they demand, which is frequently 170 degrees away from my ideals with what Levin refers to as “full shrill" under the remise that if we will be quiet about our beliefs while the other side quietly lobbies to put what they demand into law that we are somehow villains.

They create rights. Then they talk about how rights that other people don't recognize have been denied them. Lots of people are denied the "right" to marriage for many reasons; if the law changes, they can have what they will, but the Constitution still applies. Only some people are restrained from some things. Yet, the Statist wants us to think that being restrained from one thing or restraining one person is an abolition of all rights everywhere for everyone except the millionaires and billionaires. Statists cry foul when they are not allowed to do whatever they like whenever they like for whatever reason they can imagine. They strain at a gnat and expect us to swallow camels. We are frequently denied things we’d like to do, but it doesn’t mean we’re being discriminated against or suddenly bereft of rights because they say no about one thing. Do we have a right to drive at 12 just because at one time Idaho allowed that? Should we all be allowed to have vicodin because a doctor somewhere once prescribed it to some person? Should we all be dosed regularly with chemotherapy because someone somewhere once was or have our hands cut off for stealing because some other cultures do that for such crimes? There is no such thing as one size fits all. State or commonwealth determines things like who can marry and adopt based on certain requirements, not by judicial fiat or executive order. Minors cannot marry, singles typically cannot adopt, but I don’t feel slighted or think their ‘rights are denied’.

They do not care what you think. Citizens of states pass laws, like banning medical marijuana, gay marriage, and such, and the administration actively works to counter the will of the people. Defense of Marriage was passed, and then Obama decides not to enforce it. Obamacare is found unconstitutional, but Obama insists on implementing it anyway. The Dream Act is defeated, and then before going to Martha's Vineyard sends out an executive order implementing it. They do not care about the will of the people. How you can tout the virtues of democracy and then counter the will of the majority is beyond me.

Obama frequently invokes Lincoln while ignoring what Lincoln said and did. Lincoln talked of government of the people, by the people and for the people, not government of some people, by some people, and for some people. Statists rant and rave about how dangerous it would be for a 'right wing' person to get in there and tell them they can't do things that are moral or social. Yet, we do that already. In case you haven't noticed, the state doesn't recognize the sacrament of marriage without a license. Nobody seems to worry on the national level what dire consequences come to be when leftists get their way. It’s only ok to abuse power if you’re advancing a tyrannical agenda. The Statists get away as a rule with every abuse of power imaginable to impose things upon the people against their will. While it’s possible a conservative might put in someone who has two right wings, but with Statists, it is the order of the day and consistently so to install individuals who fly with two left ones. A hawk flies as well with two right wings as a dove flies with two left ones.

I am frequently surprised when people take the Statist’s side, because most of their plans are driven by emotion whereas people pride themselves on logic and reason. Liberalism is a mental disorder. It ignores human nature in favor of dreams. The trinkets and beads they want to sell you may seem good as notions, but they have very little value in the real world. Jack's three beans grew into a beneficial story because it was a fairy tale, but not all beans sold as magic really are. If being for the Constitution makes me 'extreme' or a 'Hobbit', then I am proud to be among that number. Like Tolkien's Hobbits, Jefferson, Adams, and Franklin took an adamant stand and bowed to no man. I am in good company.

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