11 February 2010

Take Me As I Am

Years ago, a friend of mine told me she liked and respected me because I don't change to please the jury. I have lived by the advice of Theodore "Seuss" Giessel ever since my divorce. He said, "Be who you are and say what you think because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Not to say they agree carte blanc, but they accept you for you, the good things and the bad.

So far, I have not ever been "taken" by a woman. They like some things about me, but they are not willing to take me as I am. If they are not willing to accept you for who you are, flaws and all, they do not really see the real you. They see something they created, something that does not exist, someone that is not you, and that is the person my ex wife married. Trouble is that he didn't exist.

A sad fact I have observed is that people continue to pursue perfection and send away very good people in search of exactly what they want, even if it's unhealthy or unreal. After a period of delusion, they settle for someone before they risk losing everything in an attempt to avoid loneliness. In this situation, those who are people of their word stick it out; those who do not mean it seek divorce. It's sad that they throw the baby out with the bath water.

You make a choice when you choose someone. You accept their imperfections as they concurrently agree to bear with yours. For marriage to work, it demands that we choose every day to be true to what we have chosen already. Put off the choice too long in hopes of something better, and eventually there is no choice.

I am an ordinary man, and you must not expect perfection from me. If you expect perfection from me, then I shall expect it from you, but if you will bear with my infirmities, I promise to bear with yours.

God is pleased with the man I am. I have sat in my bishop's office and asked him on several occassions that if he has correction and direction that he should tell me and I will do it. He has thus far had nothing to say except to carry on, and I shall do precisely that.

I am Doug. What's not to like?

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