21 October 2009

Faith in the American People

As I watch the Tea Parties, posts on Facebook bewailing Rush and Beck, et al, and the desperate daily demagoguery on the part of the administration and the Democrat party to convince you that their agenda is right and is working, I gain faith in the American people. Over the last few weeks, I have thought about the great opportunity this time affords us, and for the fact that there is a resurgance of political activity in America even in the dark times.

About a week ago, Mark Belling sat in for Mark Levin on his radio program and put this idea in my head. This morning, I read Mosiah 29:26 where Mosiah tells the people why judges in lieu of a king. he says: "Now it is not common that the voice f the people desireth anything contrary to that which is right; but it is common for the lesser part of the people to desire that which is not right; therefore this shall ye observe and make it your law--to do your business by the voice of the people and if the time comes that the voice of the people doth choose iniquity, then is the time that the judgements of God will come upon you."

The majority of Americans still desire that which is right. They oppose amnesty, universal healthcare, and socialism. They may not know what to do, but they do not agree. It is, as Reagan said, "a little intellectual elite in Washington", those bureaucrats and elected officials who think themselves wiser than we all, who plan our demise. Again to quote Reagan, "the more the plans fail, the more the planners plan".

I don't really like Glenn Beck. I think he talks a lot and acts too little. However, he motivates some other people to act. Think what a difference it would make if you would talk to the people around you, those who just don't know any better, those who vote with their parents, those who listen to posters instead of actually reading what the politicians say, and get them to think for themselves. Most human mistakes are made when we let other people tell us what to do. Nobody has your best interests in mind as much as you. Talk to your neighbors and get them to think for themselves.

Take Danny Tarkanian, candidate for Senate against Harry Reid. I have read his website. He seems like a nice guy, and he is far better than Reid. However, in the words of Daniel Webster, although he means to rule well, he means to rule.

The Constitution was established to free men from bondage. It took almost 100 years to end slavery, but it did end it, and we were the first society to abolish it forever. We went to war with ourselves to do it.

There may be a time when the strength of America fails, but it is not today. Fear has never been our master; doubt has never been our guide. We shall continue to spread freedom's prose until it has crossed every ocean, penetrated every clime, resounded in every ear, and the great Jehovah shall say the work is done.

Godspeed the right.

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