19 January 2009

Obama's Presumptive Hubris

Abraham Lincoln was until 2006 my favorite president hands down. In part, I think his image has soured for me because of how Barack Obama garbs himself in the mantle of that great man, with whom he shares no commonality other than also hailing from Illinois.

I stand in awe at the gall of this man. To walk around as if he were Lincoln, who is arguably one of our greatest presidents, when Lincoln himself would have never done what Obama proposes smacks of a hubris I rarely encounter. Our country is not the country Lincoln inherited...she is only divided because the Liberals have tried to resist Lincoln since 1861. Although at war, we are not divided between ourselves and the casualty rates and scope of gore don't even begin to compare, but then again why should that surprise me when liberals bewail Vietnam, in which fewer men were killed than in a single battle of the Civil War at Gettysburg.

Leading up to the speech, Obama seems to be setting the stage for a new message. Instead of "Yes we can" and "Hope and Change", it sounds more like "Not so fast" and "Lower your expectations". Obama claims that the nation's problems are so severe we need him to heal our wounds and that more hardship is coming...sounds like Lincoln's 2nd inaugural, but it's no way that bad. I am quite frankly irritated by this demagoguery. Two weeks ago, I stood at that monument. I sat in front of the reflective pool, loaded down with a melancholy because I knew that when he came to office he would waste the fruits of my labor. Obama is one of the Looters, legal thieves, who take from those who earn and give to others who would never do what is necessary to honestly acquire it themselves.

Like Chicken Little, Obama tells us that the sky is falling. Yet, his life smacks of ironic hypocrisy; he speaks of warming even while he takes an unnecessary flight to Philly to take a train back to Washington for the sake of an image and nothing else. Despite his allegations, the country is not in such dire circumstances. I was born during the darkest time of American history- the Carter Administration, when we had double digit inflation and unemployment and interest rates.

If I picked one word to describe Obama, it would be dichotomy. He preaches sacrifice but won't, as the millionaire member of his family, spare $20 to double the standard of living for his brother in kenya. While he whines about economic dire straights and spends four times as much on his inauguration as any other predecessor. He wants to create jobs but threatens to punish those who create them. He says he wants tax cuts, but promises trillions in budget that cannot be covered without increase in taxes. Productive, virtuous, and honest people are his enemies. Talk about Hubris.

Obama's supporters want us to get behind one man with one ideology and not question him, because it's too important that he remain to solve the problems. Hello! Bush is gone...ding, dong the Bush is dead...let's fall into step with Obama. Why do some republicans even want this to work and set aside their views? Good riddens to Newt Gingrich. Looks like Ensign was right about him. Any man who sets aside his views for peace doesn't believe in anything. While on the surface, Obama claims to share our values, he's all about big government...he's a Demogogue. I just finished reading Aristotle on Politics last night, and I could not have done so at a better time- the Obama Oligarchy is an intellectual ruse, duping the people into a change in regime by promising them things they want to hear but to which he cannot be henceforth held and which it was never in his heart to give us.

Every man who parrots the cry of "stand by the President" without adding the proviso 'so far as he serves the Republic' takes an attitude as essentially unmanly as that of any Stuart royalist who championed the doctrine that the king can do no wrong. --Theodore Roosevelt

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