20 November 2008

Live As You Please


Earlier this week on some late night news program, I overheard the commentators blaming GM’s monetary woes on the fact that it launched a new line of Hummers. His allegations demonstrate a gross ignorance on his part of the situation at hand, which ignorance is typical of those who point fingers and offer no solutions.

General Motors languishes, not under the line of new vehicles it proposes, but under the line it currently produces. Café standards and government regulations forced GM to build cars people didn’t want to buy, and union contracts leave the company with sufficiently high numbers of workers who sit idle waiting for a job to come along that they like, all the way drawing down a paycheck. How many former GM employees draw pensions for a period longer than what they spent as employees? GM was in financial trouble before the Hummer rolled off the assembly line, so this is a red herring.

Tell me what is so offensive about a hummer. They’re good enough for our soldiers. Some woman on the show answered with her propaganda that those who want to drive such cars apparently want to be greedy and waste gasoline and do bad things to the environment. Her group of socialists hate us because we drive what we want to drive and live our lives as we wish. They envy us our homes, our jobs, our lives, and actually in end effect our happiness.

I make it no secret that I really want a family and children. Children are an heritage of the Lord, and happy is he that hath his quiver full of them. People drive Hummers, vans, and SUVs, not to destroy the environment but rather because they have too many children to fit in a sedan or mini golf cart type car, and they want to protect their loved ones. Even I admit that if I had a family I would buy a different car. For my purposes of commuting to work and since I am the only person in my household, what I drive matters very little. You can’t move a family of six hundreds of miles to a vacation, reunion, or anything else with any amount of luggage in a SmartCar or a Mini. I don’t care how good for the environment those cars may be, they are really anti-family.

When I sat down to right this, I had no idea I was going to make that point, but the liberal left is very much anti-family. They endorse abortion, contraception, small cars, higher taxes, all in the name of the greater good, putting the family of man above your family. Such a prospect is preposterous. Read Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments, and you will see how he asserts that it society as a whole cannot sympathize with or care for your family as well as you, and reciprocally you cannot help anyone by trying to help society. You help society best by helping the people close to you, which would be your family. Liberals think from the top down and put government first, when society was established from the bottom up with family first.

Like Thomas Paine says, “Society in every form is a blessing; government at its best is a necessary evil, at its worst an intolerable one”. Society encourages intercourse; government creates distinctions. Created by our wants, society is a patron; necessitated by our wickedness, government becomes a punisher.

Years ago, I wrote a poem about small town mentalities about how “General Small Town” will plan out your whole life, what to eat and where to sleep and who will be your wife. The entire concept of a one-world village is contrary to family, to yours and mine, setting up government as leader of the tribal family. Government doesn’t give life. We gave it life. Before there was a United States, my ancestors were here. They came here to have a life, to live as they pleased, even if it meant driving a hummer or eating themselves to death with saturated fat. Liberals share the attitude of the Tories, but they would do well to remember Paine who said that it is folly that an island should rule a continent or that the many should be ruled, not by the dictates of their own conscience under the umbrella of the law, but by some small few. We won that war. We will win this one.

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