29 January 2016

Responsible Charity

The bleeding hearts advocating for admission of illegal aliens continue to manipulate your emotions to advance their politics and station. It's sort of like the gentleman of greater melanin content that I encountered outside the store Wednesday night who told me his sad story about not being able to buy his kids cereal because his union laid him off four months ago. I guess people don't think much about the future or about other contexts, but if you think about your nation as you think about your own household, then the reactions often change dramatically. People are very zealous to protect their own and think nothing when they waste your substance. Parents teach us to beware of strangers and then as adults they shame us into helping the same people we were taught to beware. Worst of all, the most irresponsible and lackluster among us are often the first to dispense advice and counsel to others, as if they are the authority on everything when they have little on which to stand besides theory. In nations, as in households, it is our responsibility to look out first for our own.

If you enter by breaking the law, I have the right to defend what is mine. We have doors and locks and guard dogs and property lines for a reason. We believe in private property. Far too many people however abide by the pirate's code that it's theirs if they can steal it, that possession is nine tenths. I don't have to answer the door, and I certainly don't have to open it, EVEN IF THE COPS COME. They need a warrant, and they are required to show it to you. If police aren't even allowed to search your property without permission, why would random strangers have that right, particularly if they first break the law by trespassing? Illegal aliens are exactly that- criminals. Willing or not, aware or not, the law doesn't make a distinction between people who don't know and people who do. It only excuses those we would not expect to know because six year olds don't know where the laws are and dementia patients forget about them. Furthermore, in many places and cases, you have the right to use lethal force to protect your own. Recently in Vegas, three persons were found excused in shooting trespassers (one of whom was a cop who didn't identify himself as a cop) because the shootings occurred on private property. When a neighbor's dog killed one of mine when I was a breeder, the County Sheriff told me that under livestock laws in the old west, I had a right to protect my "herd" with lethal force if his dogs trespassed again. Even when you opt against this option or lack it due to your locale, you may always elect to go to court to kick back out those who do not belong. You can evict tenants, call the cops to remove guests who are unruly or commit crimes, etc. If you can do this for your house, why deny it to those who wish to protect the sovereignty of their country?

I don't have to let anyone in that I don't know. Even if you know someone already inside or claim you do, that doesn't gain you automatic entry to my home. Clubs and events have guest lists to protect the establishment from bad or undesirable patrons. Illegal aliens claim the right to bring via chain migration anyone even remotely related. Well, if I tried to do that and bring all my Nordic relatives, they'd definitely put a stop to that (Nordic people coalesce just as well as Latinos except we're less petty). I don't know you, I can't vouch for you, I didn't invite you. Like businesses reserve the right to refuse service, I reserve the right to refuse entrance to people I don't know or didn't invite, even if they might be good for the household. It doesn't mean I bar you entrance indefinitely, but it buys me time to find out if I want to let you in, if what I hear about you holds water, etc. As with homes, our nations protect the populace from people who are sick, who mean us harm, and vets them personally before just taking the word of a relative. It looks out for those already there to make sure they get to enjoy the comfort, safety, and plenty of my table until I can decide if there's room for any more. It's not like anyone has a family tree or extended family completely void of "colorful characters". Nations are the same.

The rights, needs, and desires of the household come before those of any stranger outside. My great grandmother used to feed homeless wanderers during the depression. She did so because they had more than they needed. If it came to the choice between feeding her own and feeding a stranger, she would never sacrifice her own for an unknown not only because that's the normal human thing to do but because everyone would find her fit scorn as a poor mother to deny her own children food. When a nation however doesn't give everything immediately to refugees, the clarion call of charity manipulates leaders into confiscation to appease the outraged newcomers. Mother America, as with Mother Russia, has an obligation first to nurture her own before others. You are not special because you happen to cross the border without getting killed or captured. Nobody seems upset with Switzerland for taking this stance. Contrary to popular belief, altruism does not demand that you give away to strangers instead of taking care of yourself. You cannot give any oil from your lamp to help others if there isn't any more oil in your lamp. You cannot light the way with your lamp if you give away all of your oil. Even Elijah didn't demand the widow feed him first without also first promising that her meal and oil would waste not until the famine abated from the land. God doesn't ask you to give everything up without also promising that you will also have enough for yourself. Anyone who tells you differently is anti-Christ. If the nation has nothing to give to those labeled as "less fortunate", then it does a disservice to its own. It is NOT compassionate to think of the children of alien strangers over your own. Maybe you don't have any of your own children, but you probably do have friends and family who do, and it's very immoral to not put your own first, not because it's selfish but because you own your own kin an imperative duty. You sire the kid, you are obligated to care for it.

People who point out the emotional reasons to aid the less fortunate very rarely work the way they demand you do. I doubt very much if my fortunes were reversed that the fellow I met would do anything to help me buy food for my family. In fact, he would probably say I deserved it because of crimes my ancestors purportedly committed against his. The illegal aliens do not live across the street or hall from Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, or Jeb Bush. Those people are rich, and rich people tend to buy enough land, square footage, bodyguards, etc. to isolate them from the riffraff, which also usually isolates them from everyone else, including other rich people. Each of them would take exception to the notion that they should put some illegal aliens up in their homes, buy them food, give them their job, etc., but that's essentially what they demand of you. While they defend with every force and dollar available to them the right to look out for their own families and protect what they have, they demand you give everything or assault your character as racist, selfish, and unChristian. How convenient that politicians use religion when it suits them! Beware when politicians prattle religious charity as a means to coerce your conformity. They do this, not because they believe in those things, but because they know that you DO.

Far too many people talk about rights without concomitant responsibilities and demand behavior of you that they would never let you demand of them.  Liberals rely on so-called compassion in order to advance their agenda at the expense of your guilt.  Even Denmark realized recently they don't have enough to take care of everyone everywhere, and it's a liberal guidon.  However, the assumption claims that unless you help, you must not care about others.  This man who contacted me got what he wanted. I already decided to help him before I heard his sordid story. It bothered me a little when he selected the MOST EXPENSIVE cereal possible, but that's normal for people to luxuriate when someone else pays the bills and use unwisely what I hadn't planned to have to use on strangers. What I don't understand is that our circumstance would not probably work the other way around. Were I in need of his help, he would almost certainly be disinclined to acquiesce to my request. Besides that, I would ask family before strangers. This man had a job, but instead of planning during fat months for the responsibilities during lean ones, or getting a temporary job until the union calls him back, he made it my responsibility to take care of his family. I didn't license him to have those boys, and I certainly didn't have any fun making them, so I miss where it's my obligation to feed kids I don't know exist. Similarly illegal aliens think nothing of dragging their offspring along without making provision for their care and then demand that I take care of kids I didn't know were coming. I decide how I dispense my money. I decide whom I help and why. When I withhold, it's not because I don't care about your family or plight but because I'm planning for my own. Perhaps the most egregious, illegal aliens break the law and then demand better treatment than I get for honoring it. I don't know how that can persist. It is charity to do what is just, what we ought, and if you break the law, you don't get to be the moral authority in telling me what I must do. You get to shut your mouth and wait for mercy. Aliens need to understand that beggars can't be choosers. Citizens need to remember that we are all beggars. If, under reversed circumstances you know in your heart you would do the opposite, you have no right to demand of me the best behavior. Only God can require that of me.

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