06 February 2013

Company Praise: Slime.com

Several days a week, I try to ride my bicycle to work. Most of the trip is through residential areas, but for about 25% of my ride I pass through industrial areas where my 18-speed’s thin tires just aren’t quite strong enough. In the past two years, I have had about six flats. Recently, I restocked my supply of patches. I had switched to Skabs by Slime.com because they were cheap and easy. Then I discovered the codicil.

Apparently, not all skabs are built equally. The past three times I have repaired my tires, the patches have failed. When I remove the tire and put it under water, air is escaping from underneath the patches even after I made sure to follow their directions meticulously and used gloves. Accordingly, I turned to their website to give them feedback, and they have earned my continued business.

A very fine woman has written me back and forth for about a week now. Not only are they standing behind their product, but they’re replacing the skabs with a SUPERIOR product free of charge no questions asked. Of course, they took the time to educate me as to the line of their products and turned me to their website. However, they also went above and beyond to continue to win my trust. This is the fourth communication since Thanksgiving 2012 I have initiated and the best one. Wal-mart didn’t even acknowledge my letter.

I just wanted to give Slime a public affirmation. In times of financial duress, it could be easily assumed that customers are out to take advantage of company guarantees. I know your bottom line is tight because I can conceive how I might act if mine were. Your business model stand by your products and supports the customers, even when we ride through areas of town strewn with metal fragments that tear up our bicycle tires. I will continue to buy and use your products, because you have given me reason to believe that you mean what you say and that I matter to you. Thank you so much, and best wishes for your company’s continued success.

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