14 December 2017


People seem confused at what liberalism actually means and why anyone would oppose it.  Liberalism, at its core, is anti-liberty and authoritarian.  It relies on logical fallacies, ad populum and ad hoc ergo proctor hoc and quid pro quo to survive and thrive.  Liberalism, like its predecessor Feudalism, attracts the arrogant, vain, and selfish while managing to justify its existence by claiming its opponents are thus.  While claiming a meritocracy, liberalism only believes in merit when its people are advanced.  While defending democracy, liberals only believe in it when the people vote for what liberals believe.  Liberalism crosses party lines because liberals share one facet in common: they prefer their own and detest any others.  Most liberals are united by one great ethic- the pursuit of power.  Indeed, some liberal characters in fiction proudly declare “There is no good and evil, only power and those too weak to seek it.”  It’s a very condescending point of view, but it is also pervasive.   It’s the easy way.  A liberal demands to be judged on his intentions while judging you on your actions.  A liberal believes that the ends always justify the means as a pretense to do whatever the liberal desires even if the liberal takes different sides of an issue for expediency.    Liberalism persists because they “clothe their naked villainy with odd old ends stol’n forth from holy writ and seem saints when most they play the devil” (Richard III).   Essentially, when you get down to brass tacks, liberalism is the philosophy of hell, the doctrine preached by the father of all lies, and just as it captured the devils that follow Lucifer and millions of humans in the years before us, it appeals to the minds of many in our day because it’s easy. 

Almost every demagogue is a liberal.  They essentially oppose any other ideas besides their own, even when they, like Barack Obama, declare falsely that they are open to any ideas and new ideas.  No, they feel like this and speak like this: “Women [liberals] don't want to hear what you think. Women [liberals] want to hear what they think - in a deeper voice” (Bill Cosby).  Essentially this amounts to the logical fallacy of ad populum: they tell you what they think you want to hear, just like apparently liberals imply ever man should do to his wife.  You hear that advice all the time- to learn to say “yes dear” if you want a happy marriage.  How is it happy to subjugate your will to someone else?  Liberals are good as word smiths.  They say “We’re going to fix education.”  You mean fix as in to make permanent or fix as in to repair?  The latter definition does not appear in the Oxford English Dictionary in the 1912 edition that sits in my library at home.    Liberals promise the moon and give you tripe.  For them, the ends always justify the means and style beats substance.  Rupert Murdoch declared in 2006 that Barack Obama was “a rockstar”.  What had Obama actually achieved?  Black people poured out in AL to elect Doug Jones who was not black and has not done anything to help blacks because he has a “D” after his name.  What did the Democrats actually do to qualify them?  They weren’t republicans.

Liberals are adroit at pretense and pretending.  Rather than spend money on education, let’s just arrange to have everyone elected to public office, which obviously makes every liberal an expert on every subject.  Once in office, liberals act like mini tyrants and demand that you live your principles and if they can they demand that you live theirs as well.  They like to pretend to hate the rich and want to redistribute for the poor, but if you look at the Forbes list, eight of the ten richest people in America are liberals, and the companies they run reach into almost every American home, preaching liberalism.  Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, etc., are all liberal companies, and so our calamity is heightened by reflection that we furnish the means by which we suffer.  We support liberal companies with our purchases and then wonder why liberalism spreads.  Liberals claim to be for blacks and for women and lash out when their blacks and their women are roasted, but when Clarence Thomas and Sarah Palin come under vicious slander and libel, the silence of liberals is deafening.  In recent weeks with sexual misconduct on the radar, black people in Conyers’ district demanded due process after accusations arose, but none of those people demanded due process for Roy Moore.

In order to be a successful liberal politician, you must in essence endorse and be a fraud.  At some point in the last 40 years, the democrats managed to convince a large fraction of the electorate that they were for freedom, the little guy, the minority, and the oppressed.    Electing a republican will bring back segregation.  Race baiting to defeat Roy Moore was way over the top, especially when you consider that the Congressional records show that Democrats were actually in favor and defenders of slavery and its associated aftershocks.  Indeed, Leonard Bacon warned that “If that form of government, that system of social order is not wrong - if those laws of the Southern States, by virtue of which slavery exists there, and is what it is, are not wrong - nothing is wrong.”  Most liberalism came from the south, and now that they’ve moved into the north and west with the collapse of their racist utopia in the confederacy, they permeate the nation with the notion that “you only live once so live it up”, that “do what you like” (unless it’s be a conservative Christian), and “whatsoever a man doeth is no crime”.   They continue to perpetuate the lie that they are somehow oppressed.  Most of the media outlets are liberal despite what their commentators claim as political affiliation, and when liberals own the information, they can bend it all they like.  In fact, more than 90% of news coverage of Trump is negative, but the media will claim that any conservative commentary constitutes a disproportionate “bias”.  It’s not about bias.  It’s about hegemony.  It’s piratical in a sense, that they do not care about how much swag they have as long as you have any swag below your deck.  Liberals claim to be FOR the oppressed, always bashing the “rich” but they cleverly never include themselves, and they redefine what rich means.  Obama talked about a family of four earning $250,000/year.  How is that “millionaire”?  Nobody thinks they are rich.  Even one of the police officers on campus said you can never earn too much money and he earns $83000 year as a police officer.  That’s more than an Army Major earns.  That’s probably more than you earn.  Yet, he will talk with anger about how the “rich always get tax cuts from the republicans”, because liberals are never rich.  There’s always someone with more money, someone with money they don’t have.

Once in office, the liberal perpetuates fraud.  Here, the logical fallacy ad hoc ergo proctor hoc takes place.  They elected us, so we have a mandate, but when you elect their opponents, the election is fraudulent (Bush v Gore 2000).    When it comes to science, they pick and choose. With global warming, they say “it’s hotter than we’d like” and so it must be YOUR fault.  Coincidence is not causality, but if you don’t believe in it, they call you a climate change denier.   IN order to keep their base drummed up, they claim that you must elect democrats or the evil republicans will cut funding for fire, police, and ambulance services.  Only a liberal demagogue thinks that when I say I'm for lower taxes and less government I think that police, firemen and the like ought to be cut from the budget. Only a complete moron jumps to that conclusion over other programs.  Everything they do dehumanizes those they oppose.  Any gun crime evokes accusations against all gun owners.  Any hypocrite Christian justifies the vilification of all Christians.  This fearmongering  comes after the art of Gaston: “The beast will make off with your children.  He’ll come after them in the night.  We’re not safe until his head is mounted on my wall!”  Liberals are only responsible if the outcome is positive.  Obama wasn’t responsible for rising gas prices but was responsible for stock market gains, but Trump is not responsible for stock market gains and is responsible for inflation.  Liberalism is easy.  It is the political party of “Oops!” whereafter then they say seven Hail Marys and then they move on because it’s resolved in their minds.  It’s not just democrats; the GOP has liberals too.  When conservatives delivered the GOP all three branches of government in 2016, the GOP RINOs disparaged them and flipped them the bird.  Too many politicians are immoral: they promise us one thing during the election and then flip us the bird afterwards. They promise to defend the Constitution and then eviscerate it. Yes, that includes the GOP too and RINO Speaker Ryan who may be a pathological liar.  Liberals will say anything to get elected and then do something else afterwards; liberal democrats will promise liberalism in the campaign and then make sure it happens, no matter what it costs.  The liberal will spoon-feed you their own patented form of bullshit. Ignore the verbiage and look at what they're doing. What they're asking you to do. What sort of world they'd have you build and how they're going to pay for it, because trust me, you’ll pay.

In order to be a liberal, you must think hypocrisy is normal and justifiable behavior (unless your opponents are hypocrites, which is just more hypocrisy).  The liberal will complain that, if Russian Olympiads are banned for doping, nobody from America should be allowed to go either.  It’s that grammar school mentality where we all must put our heads down because of some nincompoop we don’t even know.  Here, the diabolical and criminal fallacy of Quid pro quo dominates.  If you want to move up in a liberal organization or political movement or business run by liberals, you will either have to dig dirt or lick boots.  A liberal has his friends in iniquity and the departments of government as guards, and he tears up the laws of those who rule in righteousness so that he can destroy those who rebel against his will.  If you do not validate them, they will not promote you over any other candidate regardless of disparate qualifications.  The nursery rhyme “Little Jack Horner. Sat in the corner,. Eating a Christmas pie;. He put in his thumb,. And pulled out a plum,. And said, "What a good boy am I!"” references the feudalistic practice of bribing the Lord with a “plum”.  Don’t believe it?  Look at what Harvey Weinstein’s accusers say was the reason why they acquiesced to his demands- career advancement.  Sexual misconduct matters only with conservatives.  In that case, allegations is all it takes, but when evidence and accusers pile up about known liberal politicians like Conyers, Clinton, et al., it is immediately defended.  A liberal demands to be integrated only in the moment but feel free to integrate your entire life and dig up dirt from your past at any time as if you did it today and as if you had no remorse, made no restitution, and paid no penalty.  They demand to be judged by intentions but judge you by any error ever.   Being a liberal means never having to say you’re sorry unless the godfather of liberalism demands you kiss his ring, like the kings of yesteryear.  For them, there is only one commandment.  “In fact the whole of two-faced society paid only lip service to the ten commandments and committed adultery, stole, and cheated at cards, because, after all, it was only the eleventh commandment that mattered—Thou Shalt Not Get Found Out” (Marion Chesney, The Miser of Mayfair).  If you do get caught, if you’re useful, they hold onto you, and if you’re not, like Al Franken and Conyers, then they throw you out post haste.

The hypocrite is fake from his core.  Liberals always go after fake issues.  They demand sexual harassment training but not the reporting of sexual harassment to law enforcement or the resignation of their own while they demand any conservative accused be shamed into hell.  Our biggest issues are not transgender bathrooms and the availability of free contraceptives.  Yet, obsessed with race and sex, they talk about abortion and discrimination as if no strides were ever taken to combat these inequities and as if they were proponents from the beginning, which they were not, but that’s already been addressed.  Liberals prop up fake heroes: how much carbon do these psuedointelletuals emit enroute to their “climate conferences” anyway?    Liberals abound with fake outrage.  Who is Senator Gillibrand to tell us who should resign? Where was she when Mrs. Huckabee was mocked? Sarah Palin? When did she ever condemn Bill Clinton who sexually abused interns in the oval office? Your outrage is just the parliament jester's foist on a somnambulent public.  In order to be a liberal, you must support fake bipartisanship: when was the last time that Democrats caucused with Conservatives on an issue?  Liberals only want bipartisanship when conservatives join them.  When Obama was president, which Democrats broke ranks to oppose him?  Liberals are fake when it comes to being accepting, inclusive, and tolerant.   Liberals demand that you accept them as they are and then demand that you become what they find acceptable.  Since everything is fake, it’s difficult to deal with these people who are fake friends, fake allies, and fake confidants.  How do you trust anyone?  You live in perpetual fear, and you end up paying the blackmail to keep it secret, usually in the form of continued support for liberalism and its programs.  Fear becomes the ultimate tool of liberal government.  Now, they will fearmonger about what the conservatives “might” do and ignore the maladies and aftershocks caused by what they already did.  You see, socialism just needs enough time and enough money and then panacea!  They never give a timetable or an actual itemized list of costs. 

Our founding fathers knew the risks of trusting people to govern themselves, knowing that even those who mean to rule well may mean to rule.  They warned us that if you give small men big power and sometimes you'll pay for it and that absolute power corrupts absolutely, yet the liberal is exactly for that- absolute power.  They demand phenomenal cosmic powers and then restrict you to itty bitty living space.  The conservative wants you to decide, to be free to fall, to flail, and to fail.  Jefferson once wrote to an adversary that we believe in the people differently- liberals believe the people are babies who need to be kept from hurting themselves, and conservatives believe that in order to be adults, babies must be allowed to walk on their own.  It’s the difference between hell and heaven- hell wants to devour you, and heaven wants you to walk on your own.  That’s why God doesn’t intervene.  It would weaken you if He kept anything ill from ever befalling you!  However, it is a standard behavior of most people to lionize their own and paint their opponents in caricature, but you only really believe in and stand for a thing when you fight for it when it stands to benefit people you don’t know and don’t like.  Liberals consider the Trump administration to be immoral and unethical but if you bring up Bill Clinton’s sexual dalliances or Barack Obama forcing religious organizations to pay for contraceptives, they will villainize YOU.  The problem with liberalism is that liberalism promotes and glorifies in the seven deadly sins: gluttony, lust, avarice, pride, despair, wrath, and sloth.  You are encouraged to these particularly through the sin of envy, which leads you to demand things and rights for nothing and at the expense of others, which does not lead to happiness but to more problems.  In fact, the liberal doesn’t want to help society.  He does not want us to have an equal chance, an equal voice. The liberal must justify his place as our ruler.

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