I watched last night the Mel Ferrer/James Garner adaptation of Sabatini's "Scaramouche" and found an unexpected link to the events of the last week. When I saw that Congressman Sheila Jackson Lee thinks the best response to Sandy Hook is to turn in your guns, I had a memory flashback that I will now make public. I have been, as was the Marquis De Maisne in aforementioned film, challenged as respects my rights. Others are calling for the murder of gun owners (paradox anyone?). With all due respect, the Congressman can bite my shorts.
In the film, the Marquis informs Scaramouche/Andre Moirot that he will defend his rights with his sword. Of course, they didn't have as many guns back then, and as a gentleman, the Marquis would not have used one in most circumstances. It reminds me of when, while working for Wal-Mart, an associate suggested my life should be forfeit because of my religious affiliation. He stood, that member of the warehouse administration, and suggested that every member of my Faith should be put to death. I looked at the head of HR and a handful of others who I knew were members of my Faith in positions of responsibility in their respective congregations. They turned away, hoping to hide their Faith. The speaker went on to talk about how they should send out killing teams two by two like we send out men to proselyte, not to save our souls but to slay our bodies. Nobody acted, and so I stood up, and said, to my everlasting conviction, "You are welcome to come to my house any time. I will introduce you to my two friends- Smith and Wesson." The room emptied. To this day, nobody at that Wal-Mart warehouse has ever said anything to me about my faith or my life being forfeit.
The Sandy Hook disaster is bad. The Obama administration insists on using it as part of a campaign to strip away our rights. They have talked for days about how we don't "need an assault rifle"; but it's not a Bill of Needs. They have used it as a platform for campaigning, for politics, and for self-aggrandizement. The bodies of the dead were still lying in the school in their gore as Gore and Helgenberg and Feinstein and Reid joined the chorus with Obama trying to take away our guns. Some of those people are, like another recent anti-gun Democrat, hypocrites who carried guns. They think nothing of denying us the right to carry weapons with which to defend ourselves whilst they are surrounded at all times by armed guards. They fear us. That's a good thing.
If ever our rights are threatened, here is our answer. It is not sedition or rebellion or revolution. It is in the Declaration. "When a long train of abuses and usurpations pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them to absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government and establish new safeguards for their future security, laying its foundations in such principles and organizing its structure in such form as shall seem to them most likely to affect their safety and happiness." Consequently, I am petitioning the governor for permission to organize a company of Militia as per NRS 412:026 in the State of Nevada so that when they come for my guns I can say, "I am militia" and deny them any right. Militia weapons always belonged to the militia member, and I will use every cent I have to fight them in court before I let them take the guns I own.
Their campaign against guns betrays their ignorance. They do not even know what an assault weapon is. Feinstein's original ban was done by looking through pictures for guns that looked menacing. They ignore that these kinds of things happen all the time, but that the worst among them do not involve guns- 1926 bombing and 2012 massive stabbing in China. They do not know why we carry guns. They have not read Clayton Cramer's books. I have. Their ignorance of history also shows that they think we are saps who do not know that disarming the public leads to suppression or that in the wake of Hurricane Sandy (interesting- hurricane and shooting with similar names...) people in New York, where it is illegal to own a gun, took up baseball bats, hockey sticks, and the like to defend themselves because the police were absent. Furthermore, criminals disregard the law, so criminals will always find guns. IN fact, China partnered with Venezuela to start making AK47s in OUR OWN HEMISPHERE just this week. The laws just tell criminals where to strike, where they can count on the least resistance. If gun control really worked, why did Fort Hood happen? Military installations have the highest security anywhere, but let's not talk about that because it might offend a Muslim. Nobody worries about upsetting a Mormon because we don't blow up people when we don't get our way.
Whenever our rights are threatened, here is our answer: LIBERTY. It is in the strength of our arm, our arms, where, however weak we may be, together we are many. Obama is unifying us all right, against government. He would do well to remember the Men of '76 and that, when the government comes for our shot and our powder, Patriots will meet them on the Green.
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