14 September 2011

When Will it Be Enough

Why are they so against things that actually will create jobs like drilling oil, mining coal, making electricity, building SUVs, when these are things Americans buy. Obama is the one stopping job growth. At the same time, he says he needs more time, more money, and more leeway to get things done. He assumes of course that we not only tolerate but endorse both the means and the end. Too many people are however skeptical of the end. Obama is an Obamist, and even his Statist friends aren't sure he's really on their side. When will the duplicity and the dishonesty actually be enough?

Statists are frequently the ones actually involved in scandals. To jog your memory:
Fast and Furious
Anthony Weiner
Monica Lewinski
Barney Frank
Daniel Inouye
Dream Act EO
William Jefferson (Katrinagate)
Countrywide Six
Yet, when there is even a hint that a member of the so-called radical right which is not really that radical (have any of the people who used that phrase actually met a radical right winger like I have? Every one of them tried to give me a copy of "Mein Kampf" and "Die Grosse Weisse Rasse"), it sticks like glue and forces them to resign. They mock Palin for periodic gaffes while Obama makes them all the live-long day. It's not newsworthy when he does it; it's normal for him to be an abject fool when it comes to oral communication (give him a breathalyzer for his asthma; that will fix it). It appears to be a badge of honor to be a democrat and be immoral, criminal, or otherwise selfish at the expense of other people's civil liberties even as they claim themselves to be crusaders against the very things they practice.

They will make the argument that "they've done a lot of good stuff". A few bad deeds do not erase a lifetime of goodness any more than a handful of good ones in the twilight of life erase a lifetime of wickedness. I'm sure depending on where you live and who you were at the time people like Mark Antony, Ghenghis Khan, Adolf Hitler, and Slobadon Milosevic did "a lot of good stuff". That depends on your perspective. I will not buy that premise that just because they meant well we should forgive what they actually did. That would be like Elizabeth I forgiving her would-be assassins because they meant well.

Most Statist promises involve things that are always traveling but never arriving. Even Obama joked about how the shovel ready jobs weren't ready. They like to do things that will always cost money like schools, construction, and welfare. Where is all the property and state income tax going? Now the federal government fixes schools, pays teachers, and fixes roads. Why do our taxes rise if the federal government is picking up the tab? When they talk about money for schools, it still doesn't make it into the classroom. It goes to buildings and wages and campaigning by the NEA Union, and so in essence people help Democrat candidates campaign by paying more for school. They don't care about test scores. They don't want you to be intelligent. Notice they don't talk about hiring cops to patrol the schools and keep them safe for learning. We have hall monitors in Vegas who don't dare actually monitor the hall.

The bad news, Statists claim, is nothing more than lies told about Obama and his friends to discredit them. Of course, it can't be because it's true. Apparently they have forgotten that the Duke LaCrosse players were acquitted but that Bill Clinton is an impeached pervert. Instead, they divert attention elsewhere. "You're a murderer." "Oh yeah, well he is driving with a suspended license." Please, there is no comparison. It would behoove them to beware lest in trying to point out the mote in my eye they gouge something out with the beam that is in their own.

Statists are elitists who believe themselves to be above the law. They are a form of organized crime, gathering together to break the law, wearing similar symbols on their campaign websites of the Donkey. They foment against the Constitution because they cannot abide the laws it prescribes. They say their beliefs will get us to utopia, but they cannot tell us when we have arrived. They do not have any guiding principles. I ask at what point we will know when we have arrived. What is the optimum tax rate?
What is the optimum government spending rate? Obama's first reaction after raising the debt ceiling was to call for more debt and taxes. Tax more, spend more, borrow more, print more, because we just haven't quite done enough of that. When will it be enough? If it were a solid philosophy, by now, after $7 trillion of spending, we should have seen some sign of success. When Obama repeated "pass it now" he sounded and looked a lot like a petulent child in the grocery line demanding some treat from his mother.

Statists give the same answer every time, and they scam one group after another, one generation after another, one civilization after another when there has never been any approximation to the utopia they adamantly assure us will come. At the same time, they criticize those of us who believe in the return of Christ. Their faith, however, will not make anyone whole.

It seems some people got the message. The NY House seat held by Weiner was won by a GOPer yesterday who ran on a message of "send me to Washington to stop this". The bottom line is that Statists don't care about you. They are selfish for their own success and comfort. If you happen to benefit as a side effect, so be it, but that was not their intent, even if it is their claim. As far as Statists are concerned, you will always have too much money and too much liberty until you have none at all of either.

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