28 September 2011

Do Me the Favor of Truth

Most people ask, when given the option, that you give them something that will maintain peace rather than be completely true. Some of them want truth, but not all of it right this minute. See, we all recognize, I think, that when we make decisions based on half truths and whole lies that the end turns out more difficult than the beginning.

When I was younger, my parents, like yours, told me to tell them the truth. They promised it would be better for me. When I did, and they reacted in anger, it sure didn't seem to me like the best option. In fact, one of the only reasons I started giving people who ask the truth was when I learned that I was going to be damned either way. I decided if I was going to be damned, I might as well be damned for who I really was. It has trimmed the fat to a great deal as regards the people who are in my life, and my days are sometimes quiet and lonely, but I prefer that to a room full of liars.

Like you, I make decisions based on the information given me. When I go to a store, I pick items based on the price the shelf says they cost. When I plan activities, I decide things based on who confirms attendance. When I go to work, I act according to the portion of work allotted to me. When the information changes, I change my decisions. When the information is not true, I get frustrated, and it costs me much more than if I just got truth up front.

Maybe you don't give me truth because you think you care about me. You tell me some truth or some lies to not hurt my feelings. You are afraid you might hurt my feelings. You forget that when people do that to you and it falls apart you asked them, "Why didn't you tell me?" Do me the favor of truth. Give me the truth.

Just because someone says it doesn't make it true. Just because it's on wikipedia or Google doesn't make it true. Just because a pastor, a president, or a professor tells you doesn't make it true. Once, the world was flat, and once it was impossible to break the sound barrier. Maybe you don't have the whole truth. Maybe you don't think I can handle it all. At least make sure that what you give me is true as you understand it. That will save us all a lot of hassle and stress in the end. Truth will out. Truth remains after all else has been said.

All of us can climb high together when we honor every form of truth. --James E Faust

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