I know a bit about lousy coaches. I'll spare you their names. Even when I was in college, our football coach was lousy. They never had a winning season until after I graduated.
The replacement came with a large responsibility. He had a stellar record and took it upon himself to rebuilt the program, a program he had once led to many victories. When he took office, he managed expectations, and it was a good thing he did. The first year, he kicked several players off the team for drugs, suspended others for academic performance, and hired a bunch of rookies. Understandably, they only won three games. Since then they have made steady and measurable improvements, but he never promised that we would win a championship within X number of years.
Contrast that to the President who basically promised that everything that was bad would turn good and everything good would continue. Since then, we have seen productivity tumble, unemployment climb, jobless claims increase, and every other marker of a recession rise or at least continue at its level including gas prices that are now twice what they were when Obama was elected despite consecutive years worth of promises that "seriously, this will lower unemployment".
As the executive of this nation, Obama is a failure. He is that Coach who not only promises a winning season but also a better season than any other coach. Since then, we have seen his assistant coaches resign in droves as advisors resign and necessitate replacement. When challenged for his 2-12 record (his two 'wins' include repeal of Don't Ask; Don't Tell and Obamacare), Obama says he couldn’t get touchdowns because they spent too much money on the band and chess club, as his only solutions are to raise taxes and cut defense! Just recently, he claimed that he lost because the sun was in his eyes, that if not for the natural disasters of late, the plan he put in place would have worked. Why listen to anything he says if his plans will only work if the Arabs keep peace and the earth refrains from natural disasters, neither of which are likely?
As we go on, we discover this coach came prepared with nothing but a shiny, and perhaps fake, record. He didn’t actually have a playbook, and those shovel ready jobs were not ready. He didn’t realize how bad the team was and blames the bad record on the players, which are you- the American people! He says that some players aren’t doing enough, not paying fair share of taxes while his friends like Buffet and Geithner are behind on their taxes since 2002. Obama tells us that his team would win more games if he had more water boys, because we all know that unemployment compensation creates jobs. Our coach claims he can’t win games unless they charge higher prices for tickets and unless the school buys a brand new field and parking garage for fans as he calls for higher taxes, infrastructure projects, and the like.
Before I moved to Vegas, I worked for an organization led by a manager who had big ideas. In the end, however, he was sufficiently detached from reality that he let the people to whom he delegated responsibility steamroll the very people who could get the job done. When I wrote a formal letter of resignation to headquarters, I was contacted by the CEO's office, which investigated and later terminated the manager. He had not personally done wrong by me, but the buck stops there. Ultimately the leader bears responsibility for the organization. Before his election, Obama was very quick to unjustly ascribe all ills to the office of the presidency. Now he redirects every negative vibe to anyone other than himself. He is the coach. He is the leader. He made the grandiose promises, and now he has made a fool of himself in the very first round. I do not see any indication that he will change his course, and as long as he refuses to, our national record will not improve. His office has already leaked that we will be spending more money we do not have, right after a massive fight over a debt deal. Steve Wynn told his shareholders in Vegas that the only way to fix the nation was to replace the executive. I agree.
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