02 September 2011

Neither Created Nor Saved

Under the Obama Administration, jobs have been like matter- neither created nor destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. Under Obama, the bureaucracy and government has grown while the private sector has shrunk. Under utopic delusions, many people have equated the death of capitalism with success, as if the leaders of big government are somehow better than that of big religion, big business, or big whatever. Any organization of men is only as good as the morays, principles, and character of the men of which it is comprised.

Consequently, capitalism and government change in nature. We have Elizabeth I versus Phillip II, markedly different from their predecessors and successors, and contrary to one another. We have Buffet and Jobs, who have done quite different things for the people of this nation. We have Abraham and Balaam, both prophets, but both of disparate adherance to the word of God. What kind of person you become in whatever field you enter will color how that particular aspect of society looks compared to previous generations.

Why does Obama get to claim things he cannot prove? He makes up numbers. He is like the very worst of scientists who obfuscate date points, omit outliers, forge results, omit statistics, and paint a broad picture that their research will save the world. Yet, how many PhD projects have actually made your life better? The truth is that most people are concerned with their own advancement first. People don't want equality. They want things to be better for them. Bureacrats don’t create jobs, iberals don’t create wealth, and wars against capitalism will not help the economy thrive.

Too many people voted for an image, for something they desperately wanted to be true. This kind of visionary has transformed our world in the past, but too many people voted for something that did not exist. All of you Obama supporters voted for an image that we can now see, but they threw away jobs and wealth to ‘change’ our society. The facts tell a different story. Unemployment for minorities is higher under the first black president than under anyone else in most of my lifetime. Although the DEMs had free reign, they complain even while their policies are coming to fruition. If liberalism actually worked, we should have complete employment, booming housing, and superior education, because they have sure spent enough money to arrive at that end. Yet, they allow illegal alients to collect tax refunds. How do they get refunds? They are not supposed to have SSNs. What concerns me about this is that the IRS says it doesn’t have the manpower to do anything about that, but they DO have power to crack down on citizens.

Obama has neither created nor saved any of the institutions that would improve your life. He is concerted with the improvement of his own. That's why he golfs more than 80 times, goes from vacation at Martha's Vineyard to Camp David after a few measly days on the job and can't abide that his job interferes with his vacations. Obama does not hang out with regular people except for photo ops. Instead, he hangs out with hamas, aires, wright, people who think Mao is great. I cannot understand how some people pretend that any GOPer might be worse, might, when we know full well that Obama already is the worst president in American history. Who knows what the GOP nominee will do. We know what Obama will do, and it will not improve your life.

Peppered throughout history, we can see a series of leftist utopian promises that have fallen in turn like dominos. We know them by such names as the New Deal, the Square Deal and the Fair Deal, but some day the Obama Administration may come to be known as “Big Deal” because like them it was pointless, random waste. A few months ago, while feeding the homeless downtown, I met a man who had recently lost his job only a few weeks prior. This man reminded me that once you procure employment everything else is manageable. When you have a job, you can make the mortgage, buy food, and contribute in other ways. This man did not want a handout. He wanted a job.

Yet, jobs have neither been created nor saved. It's all a facade, and we westies know all about facades.

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