09 September 2011

"I Have a Plan" --Obama

When I got into the car after class last night and fired it up, it was unfortunately tuned to Obama's 41st Jobs Speech. Obama acts like he's still a candidate. In fact, when we first got wind of topics from the speech, the media even referred to it as if it were a candidate's address (local Vegas affiliate KXNT).

He preaches to us. He acts like he's better than we are. In fact, he should be apologizing for the fact that his other grandiose plans haven't returned the utopia he promised as a candidate. Instead, things have gotten progressively worse, on his watch, despite his plans, even though he got everything he wanted 94% of the time. Last night, Obama claimed that if the GOP doesn’t give him exactly what he wants, then the GOP is responsible for his record. He makes vague proposals, claims things about those proposals he cannot possibly substantiate, and then blame the failure of things on other people.

He is too close to the problem to see it clearly. I spoke with a student after class about leaders who refused to listen to other ideas. Obama insists that his ideas will work, eventually, because when you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Nine times out of ten, the people who are on the front line who live at sidewalk level and work in the trenches know more about how to fix things than people who sit on guilded thrones in a far distant capital. I really had a deja vu moment during the speech, because it sounded a lot like things I've already heard. Apparently, Obama believes in recycling, even recycling the same misbegotten notions.

Obama always acts like he’s on your side while he undermines you at the same time. He is very much like Brutus, that famous historical conspirator who stabbed his best friend to death. When things suck, he claims it’s a joint responsibility. When things really suck, he blames it on you. He acts like it’s the first time he’s ever given a speech on jobs, as if there have been no stimulus at all, when in fact, there were two economic stimulous programs under the GWBush administration that together added up to more than Obama’s currently proposed amount of $400+ billion. What it actually amounts to is a confession that he is a fraud, because he insisted under Bush that it wouldn’t work and that although nothing he did has worked he is free of accountability for it. Truly there is far too much talk about rights without attendant responsibilities. He claims a clean slate, that he has no role whatsoever in all the fomenting discord going on out there. On top of that, he’s late, which is a sign of arrogance and disrespect, as if his time is more valuable than yours. While that might be true, he is ALWAYS late, which is an indicator of how much disdain for you the man has who claims to be the power in your corner.

Obama is the epitome of piss-poor leadership. He claims to be in a lofty position, looking down on everyone else while he claims to understand life at sidewalk level. Simultaneously, he casts himself as both victim and hero, the only person with the only ideas possible to save our state. He paints himself as a messiah, clothing his naked villainy with odd old ends stolen forth from holy writ and seems a saint when most he plays the devil (Richard III Act I scene ii).

What does he mean by “since our beginning”? Is he embracing the 10th Amendment, which the left says is pro-slavery? Is he embracing the Declaration of Independence that says the people have the power? Is he embracing the absence of social welfare, since we had none of that at the beginning? What in Falkirk does that mean? He insists that things must be done immediately, without the benefit of the Constitutional process, which is completely inconsistent with the Constitution. He doesn’t want you to know what’s going on. How is that consistent with since our beginning? The only time he’s in a hurry is when it’s about what he wants to do. The rest of the time, it can wait until he golfs one more round or takes one more day of vacation or has one more beer with a buddy to whom he never actually listened when that buddy preached violence from the pulpit.

Everything was vague. It was just like the speech they love from the movie ‘Dave’, where the president gives a highly emotional speech, short on specifics, and loaded with lies in linear series. He talks of construction jobs, which never materialized the first time. He talks of jobs for veterans, but doesn’t say exactly how. It will, damn, it. Trust him; he’s a Time Lord, because he clearly doesn't live in the real world! He talks of how it will create teaching jobs, one of which I have, which is a GOVERNMENT JOB. If we have infrastructure projects that need doing, why didn't they fix them with the first stimulus bill? How about doing things like slashing taxes so companies can grow, expand, create, and hire people. Nah, he insist those are the failed policies of a bygone era. Thank goodness he was able to travel back in time and erase his actual record.

As I wrote previously, the same bureaucracy that couldn't fix things with the last stimulus will be entrusted to oversee it this time, which is why this jobs bill won't work. He fills his administration and his circle of friends with people who don't pay taxes like Warenn Buffett and Timothy Geithner, and then says you should pay more. Rules are also for rulers, but then I doubt Obama reads my blog. He calls it the American Jobs Act, and says he wants companies to build here, hire here, and innovate here while every jobs act he starts either creates jobs in other countries or results in corporations like T-Mobile being denied acquisition, which keeps jobs offshore, or punishes an industry like banking, so that BofA announced 40,000 layoffs. He has had 32 months. If he had great ideas, they should have worked by now. Let’s remember that until 2010, he controlled all of Congress and that he still controls the Senate under "Dirty" Harry Reid. He blames war in Arabia or natural disasters or the GOP for his failures. In essence, unless he controls everything and gets everything he wants, he’s ineffective as a leader. If only he could be dictator, life would be a dream.

There was a man once who had a plan. He was going to FORCE men to obey God. What he wanted was that God give him all the glory. Similarly, in his speech, Obama tells us that if we give government authority they will forcibly rebuild the economy and make utopia on earth. His bottom line is: I have a plan that will guarantee peace and utopia; pass it, pass it now, pass it damn it, and all my promises will come true. He even said it multiple times- pass it now. I really should have counted just how many times he said it (18 times). It's like a canned phrase he's trying to force down our throats like some cod liver oil or jam into our eyes like a contac lens to change our taste and vision. Who's he trying to convince? If something is true, you don't have to sell it. Good ideas sell themselves. Furthermore, pass what bill? Legislation originates in Congress, and so there isn't any rassafrassin bill. After all the times he told us to pass the bill now, if it doesn't deliver will he be responsible for it? No. He will pass the buck.

The devil is in the details. Obama is here to save us. Yeah right. He's an Obamist. He cares only for himself and his job.

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