31 March 2009

We're In Good Company

Sometimes people who agree with me feel afraid to share their opinions. The media have us believe that most of America (60%) supports the President and that conservative ideas are outdated. Many of the things I choose to tackle are considered controversial, and so people don't want to alienate friends or lose connections.

However, the more I read, the more I come across extremely controversial ideas put forth by great thinkers who in general agree with me. We Conservatives share our ideas with Bastiat, von Mises, Smith, Locke, Montesquieu, Adams, Jefferson, Plato, Cicero, Moses, etc. Our ideas are time-tested and shared with people whose names are not unknown to the world.

The Envirostatists yell very loudly that we are wrong. Who's on their side? Marx, Lenin, Trotzky, Nero, Hitler, Mousollini, Putin, Castro, etc?

We are in the right.

A man may be known by the company he keeps. We share our ideas and ideals with the greatest thinkers and philosophers of all time. There is nothing wrong with us.

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