04 March 2009

March Forth

Today is the only day of the year that is a command. I love language, but I hate what some people do with it.

You hear a lot of people talking about what "we" can do. I have some close friends who are enamored with Glen Beck and want me to watch his program and get involved with the 9-12 project. However, Glen Beck is a talker. He won't "do" anything. If he motivates them to act, then great, but if they just talk or feel, then in my opinion it's nothing more than a collossal waste of time.

The Founding Fathers didn't wait for other people to get to work. My bishop, Steve Walton, told us in a priesthood meeting once that "If God had other people, he would ask them to do these important things, but he doesn't have other people. He has us." It is our job. Those with the capability have the responsibility.

Don't tell me "We've got to." You have to.
Don't tell me you can't do it. Of course you can.

Remember the well quoted but misattributed Edmund Burke line "All that is necessary for the success of evil in this world is for good men to do nothing."

So what can you do? Get out and talk to people. Educate your children around the dinner table. Run for office or at least support someone for office you actually like, but in the general election, get behind the party nominee. If you don't like that, you can make calls, write email, and mail fliers.

Voting is no longer enough.

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