06 March 2009

First Year Deliverables

During the campaign, our president promised us Hope and Change. What I see instead alarms me. Every day I hear a gloomy outlook on the future, and in the White House I see retreads from previous democrat administrations. Hardly a fulfillment of his promises.

So, what would I promise if elected to office? I’ve given that question some thought, because the people expect politicians to do things FOR them, and they judge success of government by what government gets done instead of by what prudence advises government should do.

Obama’s government promises to take care of you. They never promise to take good care of you, but you’ll have some food, some shelter, and something to do, even if it’s rice in a shack sewing shoes. I don’t know why he’s hung up on creating jobs. What do we need jobs for if the government gives us everything already?

I will not promise to do myriad things for you. I promise only to free you to act for yourselves as best you see fit. Good civilization starts in the home and not at the highest echelons of the bureaucracy, despite what sweeping promises the president makes. Society after all is created from the bottom up; tyranny comes from the top down.

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