The first year I wore contac lenses, my parents wisely required that I pay for them myself. I have never since taken as good care for them as I did that first year, because at $40/box with me earning $3.75/hour at work, it constituted a great cost to me. My parents knew that inasmuch as I paid the cost, I would also pay the price to keep them or I would pay the price to replace them.
However, our current government operates by a different agenda. Over 40% of the population doesn’t pay any taxes…they will never not vote for things that transfer wealth to them. Therefore, much as others will find this posture offensive, I maintain that it’s not only appropriate, but advisable.
If you don’t have anything vested in the game, losing doesn’t hurt very much. Yet, millions of Americans regularly vote to take things away from other people. Current political theory endorses a system of legalized plunder. James R. Evans, in his inspiring book, "The Glorious Quest" gives this simple illustration of legalized plunder:
Any American who does not own property, a bank account of some size, or who receives all of their income tax refunded should not have the right to vote. Unless the right to vote costs them something, they will not value it. Said Thomas Paine, “That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly” or in our day, then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney said, “It is easy to take Liberty for granted when it has never been taken from you.”
"A democracy ... can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess of the public treasury. From that time on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the results that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship" ~ Sir Alex Fraser Tytler
The majority will vote for whomever promises them the most pork. That’s why I have probably already lost the election by stating this belief of mine, but it is criminal for us to take from the mouth of labor and give to him to which it does not belong. In Paine’s Common Sense, we learn that men “surrender a portion of his property to furnish protection for the rest, and this he is induced to do by the same prudence that in every other case advises that of two evils he choose the lesser.” If someone needs a helping hand, I don’t have a problem with that. I oppose the tyranny of those who have nothing vested in the game.
In class last night, a student of mine claimed that her life was hard, that I was jinxing her fortunes by holding her accountable for information in the biology laboratory I teach. I object. I have been through much by way of privation and opposition and overcome in spite of: a vengeful ex-wife, a bitter coworker, a handful of pompous professors, a patronizing supervisor, a self-righteous detective, a labor union, the Nevada Highway Patrol, the Department of Homeland Security, several USAF recruiters, and dozens of other individuals who conspired and combined against me to hold me back. Every man is the sole author of his condition, and he who cannot govern himself or who contributes nothing should have no say in the disposition of my soul.
Obama says everyone should have something vested in the success of America. He should put his money where his mouth is.
However, our current government operates by a different agenda. Over 40% of the population doesn’t pay any taxes…they will never not vote for things that transfer wealth to them. Therefore, much as others will find this posture offensive, I maintain that it’s not only appropriate, but advisable.
If you don’t have anything vested in the game, losing doesn’t hurt very much. Yet, millions of Americans regularly vote to take things away from other people. Current political theory endorses a system of legalized plunder. James R. Evans, in his inspiring book, "The Glorious Quest" gives this simple illustration of legalized plunder:
"Assume, for example, that we were farmers, and that we received a letter from the government telling us that we were going to get a thousand dollars this year for plowed up acreage. But rather than the normal method of collection, we were to take this letter and collect $69.71 from Bill Brown, at such and such an address, and $82.47 from Henry Jones, $59.80 from a Bill Smith, and so on down the line; that these men would make up our farm subsidy. "Neither you nor I, nor would 99 percent of the farmers, walk up and ring a man's doorbell, hold out a hand and say, 'Give me what you've earned even though I have not.' We simply wouldn't do it because we would be facing directly the violation of a moral law, 'Thou shalt not steal.' In short, we would be held accountable for our actions."
Any American who does not own property, a bank account of some size, or who receives all of their income tax refunded should not have the right to vote. Unless the right to vote costs them something, they will not value it. Said Thomas Paine, “That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly” or in our day, then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney said, “It is easy to take Liberty for granted when it has never been taken from you.”
"A democracy ... can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess of the public treasury. From that time on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the results that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship" ~ Sir Alex Fraser Tytler
The majority will vote for whomever promises them the most pork. That’s why I have probably already lost the election by stating this belief of mine, but it is criminal for us to take from the mouth of labor and give to him to which it does not belong. In Paine’s Common Sense, we learn that men “surrender a portion of his property to furnish protection for the rest, and this he is induced to do by the same prudence that in every other case advises that of two evils he choose the lesser.” If someone needs a helping hand, I don’t have a problem with that. I oppose the tyranny of those who have nothing vested in the game.
In class last night, a student of mine claimed that her life was hard, that I was jinxing her fortunes by holding her accountable for information in the biology laboratory I teach. I object. I have been through much by way of privation and opposition and overcome in spite of: a vengeful ex-wife, a bitter coworker, a handful of pompous professors, a patronizing supervisor, a self-righteous detective, a labor union, the Nevada Highway Patrol, the Department of Homeland Security, several USAF recruiters, and dozens of other individuals who conspired and combined against me to hold me back. Every man is the sole author of his condition, and he who cannot govern himself or who contributes nothing should have no say in the disposition of my soul.
Obama says everyone should have something vested in the success of America. He should put his money where his mouth is.
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