26 November 2008

They Sin By Silence


As I listen to politicians talk about how to fix the economy now that the election is over, I notice an appallingly and conspicuously absent line of thought. Despite all the talking about what should be done and who has a “plan that is better for man”, I hear nobody asking if the actions of the federal government are constitutional. Not even everyone’s favorite Libertarian hero, Ron Paul, ventured a statement to this effect. Previously, I registered disfavor with my elected officials, whose best answer revolved around “doing the wrong thing is worse than doing nothing at all”. I think Ron Paul, himself a gynecologist, would argue that. If not, he should.

Constitutionality of government policy ought become the first litmus test. Politicians think that with their calling and election made sure that it constitutes license to do whatever they want. Being elected does not give you carte blanch authority to do whatever you wish. Instead, they need to ask: do we have permission? May I play my crosshand piece? Rather, Obama says what he's going to do, because he has a plan and he is going to save us all, forgetting that as President he works for us, not vice versa. Every federal official would do well to remember that they took an oath when they came into office to serve the ultimate boss, and it’s not the director of their department, a cabinet member, a committee chair, or even the President of the United States. They gave their word to his boss- to the people. Obama chooses to forget that. He doesn't care what we want, and anyone with half a brain knows that; he's a wizard of smart, promising to wave a magic wand and fix our problems, the messiah who will rub mud in our eyes and give us back our vision of the future.

Here's mud in your eye: leftist programs will not fix anything except to fix liberals in power. Listen to the failed governor of MI who in her policies sounds exactly like Obama, promising road and school construction, green jobs, and alternative energies to free us from the current crisis. It strikes me as odd to propose we follow their example because Michigan is a failing state. The great alphabet soup programs of the Great Society and the New Deal (like the WPA, CWA, etc.) did not work. Obama's bridge/school/alternative energy program will not work. Green jobs are not the answer. If we want energy independence and a vibrant economy, unbind the fetters that hold back American industry and ingenuity. Despite claims to the contrary, Obama doesn’t want to do anything that will really help this country be stronger. If he wanted to really fix it, like Levin and Rush have said many times over, he would announce an immediate reduction in taxes, of whatever meager percent. Instead he threatens us with higher taxes and punitive regulations.

What happened to liberty? General Eisenhower linked the faith and future of America in this observation: “There is nothing wrong with America that the faith, the love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure.” Let us alone, and we will feed the hungry, visit the sick, free the captive and right any other injustice which lies in our power. Throughout the campaign by contrast, every candidate scurried around trying to look busy to make it look like they were doing things to alleviate our pain. In the end, nothing they did helped. Do not mistake action for real change.

Adopting a platform of liberty may not make me very popular. Most constituencies expect their representatives to do things for them, ignorant apparently of the fact that liberty comes with responsibility. As such, a platform of self-government may seem from the outset doomed to failure. However, I would rather dash myself upon the shoals trying to establish a beachhead on the shores of tyranny than live in a world void of that America in which I believe. In the end, the person who does the most for society empowers the people to govern themselves, which means they will make mistakes from time to time.

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