21 November 2008

Liberty: Necessary to Life


One of the things that got me into science was chemistry. Chemistry is ironically one of the hardest subjects for me, but it has always fascinated me how two dangerous substances can, under the right conditions, combine into two of completely innocuous nature.

NaOH + HCl --> NaCl + H20

A strong acid with a strong base, taken singly in their own right can kill you, but the products of their chemical interaction are ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to life.

My credentials and actual expertise in science come from the study of plants. From chlorophyll fluorescence, to polyphenol distribution, to water deficit stress, I dealt with metabolic balances in plants and how genetics drives those relationships. The plants for which I cared depended on me for their livelihood, and I upon theirs, not individually, but as a group. Our gas exchange makes organic life possible.

Any idiot with half a cognizance about photosynthesis knows that plants use sunlight to fix carbon dioxide into sugars. Environmentalists allege that the presence of CO2 in our atmosphere poses a threat to us. However dangerous CO2 may be to some things or the careers of some people, CO2 is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to life, because without CO2, all plants, in whom we live and move and have our being, would die. Then what would vegans, vegetarians, and environmentalist wackos eat? What would they breathe?

Back in graduate school, the place I parked lay in such a position that on the way to work I always passed a law office whereat an environmentalist worked. On his bumper stood a sticker that said, “Thou shalt not kill. Go Vegetarian”. This sentiment bespeaks the woeful ignorance of the irredeemably wicked who make of themselves hypocrites in their defense of animal and human rights while endorsing infanticide.

Animals and plants live in a symbiotic balance. Neither can survive without the other. If we cease to make CO2, plants die. If they cease to incorporate it, we die.

Nobody bans sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid despite the dangers posed by them. If so, we’d all have to turn ourselves in. In the right place at the right time, these natural substances prove essential to life. This is the maxim of the universe: all things, in the right place at the right time for the right reasons to the right degree, are good for life. Liberals, like CS Lewis says in the Screwtape Letters, follow a formula meant to corrupt what God created. Since nothing God created is bad, all things lead towards our good. Liberals might say as Wormwood:

All we can do is to encourage the humans to take the pleasures which our Enemy has produced, at times, or in ways, or in degrees, which He has forbidden. Hence we always try to work away from the natural condition of any pleasure to that in which it is least natural, least redolent of its Maker, and least pleasurable. An ever increasing craving for an ever diminishing pleasure is the formula. It is more certain; and it's better style-- To get the man's soul and give him nothing in return.

That is what you get with Liberalism. Forget the hype, the promises, and the historic nature of this election. Barack Obama, and his friends, give high ideals lip service so that once you sign over your soul you belong to them. Once they own you, they will give you nothing.

Liberty is absolutely necessary to life, to make use of what we have responsibly, prudently, and charitably, not by force but because we do what is right.

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