Obama’s only two implications on my life impact how hard I have to work to take advantage of opportunity. Those who know me well know my life constitutes arduous struggle and hardship as I fight and scrape to elevate my first estate. That he promises to tax me means my progress will be slower. That he promises to cut the military means I may not join if I’m only going to be cut a few years later. That he promises to render our country weak in the eyes of the world and retard growth means that stocks will remain on sale during my working years and hopefully recover when I retire. He does not change my direction; he only changes the angle and rate of my ascent. I will continue to strive to always be the best man I can be.
President Obama, on the other hand, doesn’t care much to be a better person. What he craves is power. Before you jump down my throat, consider his past, and how it continues to reverberate in his present. He associates with radicals, hate mongers, black power advocates, socialists, terrorists, etc. I on the other hand parted ways with individuals of ill repute when I discovered their true colors. Obama is pure a simply stated a free radical, bent on the destruction of everything he touches.
My father told me last night that he thinks Obama will govern as a moderate. I know no way of judging his future but by his past, and despite so-called moves to the center, he will continue to vote the way he always has, including not making decisions when we need them, instead announcing that he is “present”. Obama craves unlimited power, and as such he will ruin everything he touches, and by so doing sour for generations the chances of people who voted for him of following in his wake.
I saw scores of bright-eyed young people flood into the poll to ostensibly vote for idealistic change. Before two years are out, with the economy still ailing, our military on the run (like it is when liberals rule), taxes rising, his new bureaucracies fully ensconced, liberal judges serving for life, many of the 63 million voters who chose Obama will regret it. In that day, you had better hope that people like me still give a flying flapjack about this country enough to put our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor on the line to redeem the nation from the “messiah”. It will not be fully righted until I am ready to retire after only two years under Obama.
In 2010, with nothing changed for the better, the Democrats will lose both houses of Congress, and many of the old guard will be changed for the last time. Then, Obama’s historic and disastrous presidency will effectively be over. Unfortunately, he has two years to ruin our nation before we have a chance to take it back.
The Sons of Liberty will be ready. Will you?
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