The story of Uriah the Hittite tells us how King David of Israel lost his stature with the God of Israel. When he decided he wanted Uriah’s wife, he ordered the commanders to put Uriah at the front and then withdraw the army so that Uriah would die and he could marry the woman. Americans showed up at the election on Tuesday to pass a referendum on the US Military. They demonstrated that they don’t care about veterans by supporting candidates for office at every level who propose programs that in one way or another force men to the front and then abandon them to a grim fate.
Voters decided against electing leaders with demonstrable support for the military and experience in a time of war. Every strong leader in support of the military lost their reelection bid. Barney Frank is already talking about a 25% cut in military troop levels. Joe Heck himself a reservist defeated by someone who hardly ran any advertisements. Even the rejection of McCain follows the muster. McCain was himself for a time abandoned by a Democrat administration, left to languish in a POW camp under torturous circumstances. All this comes at a time when America sits in a precarious position with our enemies waiting and ready to test the green senator-president as VP elect Joe Biden promised with something of the likes we have never before seen.
President elect Obama does not have the support or trust of the military. While he claims some military support, 90% of his military votes were from black members of the military. To add insult to injury, he wants to expand military involvement on a third front to Darfur. Smart. Very smart. Darfur is like Iraq without the WMDs…two religions under a dictator trying to exterminate one another. He obviously has no clue about how to use the military or about finishing what’s already in play, despite promises to bring the troops home.
Our intelligence community seemed to see this coming. Military officials already began realigning forces to prepare for Obama months ago- changing its force allocation so as to be able to field the same number of soldiers with a smaller total force. They stopped staffing non combat positions and started privatizing many things that were once military internal MOSs. The practical application of this is that fewer non combat specialties are available to applicants.
If we abandon men at the front, how will the nation fare? We evicted a lot of great leadership and knowledge over the last 24 hours by defeating those with prior military service for positions of responsibility. How does that help a nation at war? Like David, Obama and those who think like him have pursued a single-minded objective, and in so doing have lost the kingdom.
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