Over the last several weeks, it has become more clear that Speaker Boehner shares more in common with Senator Reid and President Obama than the GOP. That won't stop people from eviscerating the GOP and saying they're going to rip apart society as we know it. See, they got a few RINOs to go along with their tax and spend philosophy, so that some of their claims are right. In the process, they gave Obama a pass on responsibility for destroying the military, inflating the currency, raising taxes, and ballooning the debt because now it's bipartisan. Never mind that so was Cut Cap and Balance, which was three votes away from passing in the Senate.
Today's GOP pats itself on the back for symbolic garbledygook. They vote on things that have no chance of passing and pass things that have no chance of helping. But they got their vote, and so they expect yours in November 2012. They want us to be happy with what we got. After all, one half of one third of the government gave us half a loaf.
When the GOP does liberal things, they are praised, and when they do conservative things they are roasted. They, like Barack Obama, forget that their base in what has become the Tea Party actually got almost two dozen people into office last cycle, even though some major races were lost. Apparently, the Tea Party is impotent unless it wins everything, and when it wins everything, it's because they "acted like terrorists".
According to White House staffers, the GOP got everything they wanted. Excuse me? Every time I turn around and tell them what I want, they flip me the bird. Every time I turn around, they tell us they've given us the best bill possible and we'd better vote for it or else. In a letter John Ensign once wrote me, he said it was better to do the wrong thing than do nothing. Now I know that veterinarians don't go to medical school, but seriously John, have you read the Hippocratic oath? It says "first do no harm". They had a good bill. Cut Cap and Balance did better on the floor than any of the Boehner Bills. Boehner handed Reid a vehicle to pass the bill we got. Without that crap bill there would have been no Reid alternative. They are scratching each other's backs.
Forget that most Americans are not represented by their representatives. A small fraction of communist potentates dictate to us how and what and when and where and to what degree we do everything. They thumb their nose at a two-thirds majority. If we really believe that the greatest among us will be our servants, why do we permit them to act as if they were our masters?
I don't know why we have two parties anymore. Both of them invoke Reagan and embrace small portions of his administration without embracing larger principles or explaining how those things came to be. Both of them invoke Lincoln while they criminalize many of Lincoln's actions. It no longer seems to matter which party you choose because they're headed to the same place, tyranny, just at slightly different speeds because the GOP makes a few detours for donuts along the way. Yesterday a friend of mine posted to Facebook that government's only duty is to protect from tyranny, of all types. I agree, especially and including tyranny that comes from our own government.
They can talk about the rich and their fair share all day long. What they are really after is your money. They do not care how much swag they have. According to the language of this bill, the CBO scores a "tax cut" as a "tax expense" forever going forward. What this means is that they view all of your money as theirs. Mortgage deductions are technically a tax loophole, but not everyone who applies that is rich. The fact of the matter is that tyrants think you have too much money and too much liberty until you have none at all of either. You are rich if you are not abject poor and subject to them. You are rich as long as they don't have all the wealth. The problem is that they forget as they jockey for positions in the new regime that there is only one lord of the rings and that he does not share power. So, they turn us against one another with class envy and break us against ourselves. Then they'll only have to come in and put out a few glowing embers and our journey towards tyranny will be complete.
If you wish to be happy and free, govern yourselves and elect those who do likewise.
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