22 August 2011

Tyranny at Both Ends

It is frequently the reactionary response in politics once the control changes parties to reverse everything done by the previous administration 180 degrees. However, it does not close the door against the cold or heat to swing it wide open in the other direction. What most people seem to forget is that both extremes of thinking in politics lead to tyranny. They just differ in the form and speed at which we arrive at the same end.

Resist the notion that it will be any more dangerous to replace this administration with something quite its opposite. Obama already frequently does the opposite of what the peopel will. For example, Congress rejects the Dream Act. On his way to Martha's Vineyard, Obama signs an executive order that institutes it. Congress passes the Defense of Marriage Act. Obama directs the Department of Justice to stop defending it in court. Those are expressly contrary to the laws of nature and of nature's God. It's too bad it only made people interested in the Declaration of Independence for a brief time when Nicholas Cage stole it on film. The powers that be forget the principles of that document and the entire premise to divest this continent from the fallacious and feudal notions of Europe.

Like his real life, Obama's summer reading list is light on topics of liberty and Founder philosophy, being instead heavily skewed to fiction. They do not live in the real world. They are trying to render earth, which is fallen, the utopia that heaven alone can sustain. After he luxuriates, he will return and begrudge you any iota of the luxuries in which he just bathed. They accuse you of living like that, as if you could afford it or would ever choose to. They will talk of corporate jets and gambling in Vegas while he pisses away our tax money and doesn't even eat any peas.

A hawk cannot fly well with two right wings any better than a dove can fly well with two left ones.

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