The trouble with the internet is that once it gets there, it stays. That can be a real problem if you vent frustration about work or a loved one. It can be a real problem if you post things that others can use to steal your identity. It can be a real problem because people judge you before they meet you based on what you say and sometimes based on things other people say about you or claim you say. If you are the President, it can be a real problem in politics when you are a demogogue.
Barack Obama plays the crowd. Back in 2006, about the debt ceiling, Barack Obama said exactly the opposite that he says today:
The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.
Out of his own mouth, Barack Obama is a failure. When Bush was president, he said Bush was shifting the burden of bad choices to the children. How is what he did different? Obama demanded this. The Democrats told the GOP to come back when they offered them a bill the Democrats liked.
It fascinates me how politicians can pretend to be all things to all people and people believe it. The trouble with the internet is that we can not only read their words but in some cases we can watch videos of them saying it. If you are willing to do your own homework, you can find out exactly who said what when and to whom. Most people don't do their own homework.
During the debate, Obama told us that the GOP wanted to cut social security benefits. Yesterday, John Conyers let the cat out of the bag when he admitted that it was Obama himself who put that on the table.
the Republicans, the Speaker Boehner or Majority Leader Cantor did not call for Social Security cuts in the budget deal – the president of the United States called for that
Obama is out to cut your benefits. The GOP was willing to leave it alone, but Obama put it out there to be a cut. He cares nothing for you or the people he hurts. Then, he went out golfing, and today, he's having a smashing good party to celebrate his 50th birthday, at your very lavish expense. Furthermore, this whole debt debate throws into the limelight the lie about Social Security- there never was a trust fund, else the debt would not have interferred with disbursements from your own personal account they claim they hold in your name. It's all a house of cards that will eventually topple, hopefully, they say, after their time.
Changing your mind is fine. As you gain knowledge and wisdom, naturally some of your opinions and beliefs and actions might change. Usually, you can track the thinking of a person. Obama, however, changes on a dime over the course of a few years flipping 180 degrees. It would be different if he explained why he changed his thinking. He pretends instead he never said those things. After all, it depends on what the definition of 'is' is.
When they demagogue and the media fearmongers, remember who can be proven to be a liar. The Happy Hippocrite must be held accountable. After all, there are no secrets anymore. He says everyone must feel the pain, everyone, except of course, the people he exempts. Next time the Democrats talk about those who build up their lives on the backs of the poor, remember that they want to be all things to all people, whatever it takes, to elevate their own state at your expense. They are the manifestation among man of the law of the jungle even as they rail agains it.
Hold them accountable. They surely will do so to you.
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