01 April 2010

What Do You Trust?

I have this disease where I believe everyone is truthful until I discover they are otherwise. As a result, I have been the victim of deceptive and conniving men and women who take advantage of such trust as I mingle with all sorts of society. Occasionally I fell into foolish errors and displayed the weakness of youth and the foibles of human nature. In making this confession, no one need suppose me guilty of any great or malignant sins as such a disposition so to act was never in my nature. Also, it has led me to hate this day on the calendar most of all because people joy in deception.

As a rule, I am prone to disbelieve everything that people tell me on April 1st. This is particularly irksome this year as I expect any of several conversations to occur today that vary in importance from vital to absolutely critical. I hope that these individuals will put off levity and jovial company for a more appropriate time.

So many people have deceived me that I am often unsure whom to trust. Whereas some of these people did so purposefully, the vast majority did so because of miscommunications. Nevertheless, the disappointment and disenchantment that come when you discover you cannot count on someone's word affect all other interactions. Once trust is destroyed, it is invariably difficult to reestablish, and some of these people have no place in my life anymore, let alone in my heart.

One of the ways in which I intimidate is to be forthcoming. Sometimes, I think people fear the truth and run away from it through flippancy and the joke proper. Many people tell me to be honest, but they don't really mean it. I decided that if I am going to be damned, I might as well be damned for what I really am. You may not like it, but you can depend on it. When the time comes, you will know how to find me and how you will find me to be when you get there.

There was a bakery near the end of the subway line in Floridsdorf Austria that i have always remembered. It was called Anker, which is German for anchor, and their slogan was "Every life needs an anchor". Maybe that's what I was born to be. In a time of turbulence and violent waveforms, I will be true, for there are those who trust me. I will be pure for there are those who care. I will be strong for there is much to suffer. I will be brave for there is much to dare.

I am imperfect, but I will always do my best. I swore that oath a long time ago as a Boy Scout, and I mean it. Faithful forever.

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