07 April 2010

Everything in its Place

I find it somewhat of an inconvenience that I have to walk across the hall sometimes for chemicals. The nature of our building, spacing issues, and the types of containers they built in conspire against me. In order to keep chemicals separate according to federal law, the bases are kept across the hall from the acids. The practical applications for this make sense to my brain, because only a few miles from where I now live, the TNT factory regularly explodes because they mix acids and bases during the synthesis of TNT and precursors. My feet refuse to understand.

Everything in its proper place is a fundamental concept of happiness and peace. Alone, one of the strongest acids, hydrochloric HCl, and one of the strongest bases sodium hydroxide NaOH, are among the most caustic and corrosive of substances. If you mix them in the right conditions and the right order however, they combine to form the most completely innocuous of substances- saltwater.

Fortunately for us, saltwater cannot react in the opposite direction, turning the oceans into a morass of burning compounds that would destroy all life. It is interesting to note however that these two substances, themselves harmful to life, combine to form two new substances that are absolutely critical- H2O and NaCl.

It is right that men and women should come together too. Youth, unfettered and unrestrained, when they come together male and female create two things absolutely critical for the future perpetuity of life and happiness. When men and women combine in the right way at the right time for the right reasons, family and children are born. Thus, potential hooligans and harlots become the guardians of civilization when they become husbands and wives, fathers and mothers.

Most of them skip to the chase. I have read and spoken a lot of late, though not on this blog, or the reason for copulation. It really is only about procreation. Sure, the media, your friends, and even the government have conspired to tell you that things exist for different reasons than the truth. The media and cultural icons have led us to believe that sex is fun, but sex isn't really that much fun. Our bodies like it for two reasons. First, our bodies desire to procreate and thereby guarantee the perpetuity of our genes to future generations as proof of their virility. Secondly, our bodies have learned to like sex because there's a pleasure receptor in our brain that is activated during sexual climax that has also been activated at exciting hockey games, during meteor showers, and when you eat potato chips, and our bodies are addicted to it.

The procreative power of the human body is just as dangerous as acids and bases. It can destroy dreams, dissolve hopes, burn bridges to the future, eliminate ambition, and introduce disease that ends life. I remember well the youthful inclination to experiment. In high school chemistry, we were doing a lab that released hydrogen gas, for which we were to test with a flame. Unsatisfied with the brief "pop" made when the flame touched the gas, i decided to capture more in an overturned erlenmeyer flask so that the flame would be more brilliant. When the flask exploded and threw glass all over the room, including into my own cheek, I learned the folly of playing with fire.

However, in the right place, at the right time, for the right reasons, and by the right authority, men and women together make possible the fullness of our creation. Every other creature on earth exists to perpetuate itself. Humans are the only species that put the survival of other species over their own or focus on personal and selfish pleasures at the expense of the actual reason for why things are and should be the way they should be.

Many people I know live in "the now". While it's a good thing to live in the present, if you don't live for the future, then it's mostly just a big waste. Without goals, there is no progress, and when people are not progressing, they are regressing. I really hate men who "pursue conquests". It would be different if they actually wanted tons of children, but they don't want that...they want copulation without conception.

Sometimes I have to mix caustic chemicals. I use the right equipment now because I have been burnt sufficiently often already. People laugh because I wear a labcoat and goggles and gloves, but I'm still alive and possess all of my faculties. I count myself richly blessed.

Use caution when handling chemicals, even those you yourself produce.

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