06 April 2010

Behavior We Disallow Our Children

A friend of mine called me today and asked me a question that took me back. She asked me for advice teaching her daughter. After some period of time, she discovered that her daughter has been stealing money from basically any source she can to buy whatever she likes.

This girl is basically innocent. She thinks that she can have whatever she likes. The problem is that in order to fund this spree, she takes money from other people without their knowledge and without their permission to use it for said purposes. Like so many people I know, she "spends money she does not have to buy things she does not need to impress people she does not like".

Today I heard the Democrats pat themselves on the back for how well they have joined hands to fund this massive authoritarian state. Why are we praising these politicians? They are involved in behavior we disallow our children. We would never allow our daughters to take money from our purses and frit it away or give it to their friends who will frit it away on their behalf. We do not allow our children to purchase friends or fame. Why do we let politicians get away with it?

Most of them are crooks. They lie to get in office. They lie about what they promise. They lie when they take our money. They lie to get reelected. THey are in the business of legal plunder. Read Bastiat's book "The Law". It's available for free online
here. Even still, read my own previous analysis of this phenomenon, inspired by the very culture icons who praise the politicians who plunder us. They are not Robin Hoods. They are common criminals.

I told my friend that, whatever else she told her daughter, her daughter needed to learn to see things as they really are. Too many people in our nation walk around with rose colored glasses as respecting the problems of others. Too many people in our nation consider themselves victims. Too many Americans undervalue how blessed they really are. I have lived overseas for several years. I am always grateful to come home.

During the first Gulf War, Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney said these words, and I have always remembered them: "It is easy to take your liberty for granted when it has never been taken from you." That which we have obtained so easily we esteem too lightly. Teach your children that good works. Teach them to love the law and love liberty. Teach them to rise up and be men or women of character. No success anywhere else in life can compensate for failure in the home.

Children rule over us, and the world weeps.

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