This morning, I started the day with two irritating communiqués from well-meaning individuals trying to reign in my zeal. Both of them objected to my ideas and proposals, and while their reasons may be legitimate, recognizing that I don’t know everything about anything, alternatives are the price of admission to the arena of ideas.
Most naysayers in my life shoot down my notions without offering options. In the first of the two cases, the individual claimed to have a venue of alternatives, but when I investigated it for myself I found no mention of anything of that sort where they pointed me. Moreover, even if I’d found evidence thereof, the argument was based on faulty reasoning, because I am familiar with that locale and know it to be of a different character than they allege (presumably they have not actually been there). For the second case, the person just shot me down completely, claiming that it would irritate some and cause a ruckus.
No matter what you do, you can’t please everyone. No matter how hard you try, I learned from Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments, you cannot understand exactly from whence another person comes. Like it or not, nobody can prescribe a remedy for your life that will work as well as the one you can design for yourself because nobody else thinks like you do, acts like you do, responds as you do, and values/prioritizes as you do. While the alternative suggested might work for them, they are not you, and even if they have all the information (which is unlikely), being a different person means projected results will not go as people assume.
If you don’t like my idea, I’m open to a better one. Sometimes, however, I need to do something, and I will do the best thing I can. Trust me to make a deliberate, prayerful choice in the matter. I do not fly by the seat of my pants.
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