Every time Obama nominates someone for a Cabinet post, they have to withdraw over tax problems. With the back taxes, fees, interest, and penalties that could be collected by the IRS, we could probably afford to pay for much of that upon which Obama wants to spend money.
Unfortunately, like most liberals, he's out there advocating reductions in CEO salary and benefit packages. The dirty little secret is that if you limit compensation, the people who are best for the jobs will not apply, meaning the businesses will fail anyway. Notice that liberals always advocate reduction in salary for people who generate money for regular people but not for other categories of "rich".
I admonish Obama, if he's genuine about taxing the rich and spreading the wealth to people who "need" it (which he's not), to extend equal opportunity to other demographics. There are people around him who have gobbs and gobbs of money but nobody ever talks about them paying their fair share. From athletes to actors to Al Gore, there are BILLIONS in tax revenue waiting to be collected or wealth to spread around to regular folks who need cars, lodging, food and gas. Does ARod really deserve millions or Ben Affleck or Al Gore? Aren't they able to shoulder individually a lot more than we can collectively?
The problem is that people always cut from the bottom up, which undermines the longevity of their endeavors. I'm the newbie at work, and they put my name on the list for layoffs. The people who do the work take it in the pants. Meanwhile we have people protected by tenure and people under indictment by the District Attorney who draw paychecks without any work being done. Likewise, LIberals expect poorer people to shoulder the burden while Kennedy, Gore, Daschle, Obama, ad infinitum enjoy life in the lap of luxury. Go figure.
To pay for Obama's budget, we need to limit liberal pay and continue to nominate them to the bureaucracy, whereupon we'll discover what they're worth and what they owe. After all, you have to pay your "fair share", why not they?
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