06 February 2009

The Daschle Deduction

I demand the Daschle Deduction for my taxes. Tom Daschle withdrew his name from a post in Obama’s cabinet because he chose not to pay his taxes because he felt he could do better things for himself with his money than the government can. Apparently he agrees with Harry Reid that taxes are elective and not compulsory. Trouble is that’s exactly how I feel about it- I can spend the money I pay in taxes better than they ever could.

In the name of the children, the poor, and the oppressed, liberals try to take your money claiming they can do more with it to help people than you can. However, you see that Daschle, Kennedy-Schlossberg, Richardson, ad infinitum, believe themselves to be above paying any taxes. See, the dirty little secret is that they can do more things with their own money than bureaucracy can, and SO CAN YOU. If you kept more of your own money, you’d do a much better job of using it to fix your own situation. This bailout will “create” jobs at a cost of $200,000 each…why not just give $200,000 to the 2 million people it would employ? Because the bureaucracy will siphon off its share on the way down until the people get hired for 40% of the money it costs to hire them.

I don't want to hear that liberals love people. They look for every excuse to deny people of their right to life- abortion, birth control, rationing of national health care, euthanasia laws. We know where they stand when it comes to life. They do not care whether you live or die, only how much they can wring from you while you live. Why confer more authority on people who would suck the marrow from our bones and leave us bereft? People like to glamourize the vampire world, but liberal policies, when they don't make life-sucking drones out of our children who further spread that insatiable lust for the lifeblood of others, leave a wake of death and destruction that should scare us silly like Transylvanians.

Demand the Daschle Deduction and do more with your money.

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