01 January 2009

New Year Analysis

Unlike most people I know, 2008 was actually a very good year for me.

With one exception, I finished every goal I set for myself by August. Granted, I didn’t set goals that depended on the agency of others, like I have to some degree this year, but I felt really pleased with myself in August when I had done all those things.

Vocationally: I finally got a job in my field, managed to get promoted in a budget crisis and obtained an adjunct teaching slot over people with longer histories with the state.

Educationally: I found out about opportunities to get the education I want and need to advance myself and my career. I also read, thanks to a good friend, over 50 books this year, including DeTocqueville, von Mises, and others, which are arguably difficult and long works.

Fiscally: I am worth more today than at any point in my life heretofore except one, and that despite the Panic of 2008

Socially: I tried to go out more and go on some dates. The fact that it didn’t go over well isn’t my fault entirely because I got better at it at least in frequency.

Spiritually: I came to peace with myself and God this year and undertook some writing projects that will affirm and confirm my beliefs and leave something for my descendants, if I ever get any.

Physically: I lost 32 pounds this year, even after gaining muscle mass obtained through my exercise regimen. I only had one migraine, didn’t get sick more than periodic diarrhea, and I had only two Charlie horses all year. Also, my back seems to have recovered. I try to weekly: run 5 miles 3 days per week, bike 15 miles 3 days per week, and either lift weights or swim ¾ mile twice per week.

I also came up with a list of reasons why girls should date me. I won’t share that. I know what I’m worth, and it’s their loss.

Do I have regrets? Yes. Am I sad about some things? Yes. Am I better than I was last year? YES, YES, YES! Not many people I know would or could say that. The year of our Lord 2008 was a good year for me, and I thank God for the myriad of blessings He found fit to shower on me. God never lets me down, even if he forces me to wait longer than I want for what I know I deserve.

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