15 January 2009

The Internal Combustion Engine is Here to Stay

A Yahoo article today on Gasoline powered cars told the entire story. In it, the CEO of Daimler had the following to say about that technology:

The internal-combustion engine "will likely remain the backbone of mobility for the foreseeable future," said Daimler AG Chief Executive Dieter Zetsche. He said his company has been able to improve the efficiency of gas and diesel engines by about 23% and "there is still further to go."

He didn't tout solar or hydrogen or anything else the no-growth environmental Marxists advocate. He told us where the market is driving sales, what the people want, and where automakers are and should be vesting their efforts- in the internal combustion engine. Personally, the more I learn about this, the more I feel awe for those who came up with it. Today Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) announced a $4500 rebate for old gas guzzlers will go before the Senate. Considering my car is worth tops $1500, that's a killer for me once I finally give up on my 1995 Saturn SL1.

If gas were on the way out, they would not be vesting money developing a more efficient and more powerful engine that uses it as a fuel. It's still the most efficient and effective mode per capita of moving people around. What are the practical applications? Drill, drill, drill...if Daimler-Chrysler's CEO says this, we'd better listen or else the USA will be left in the dust.

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