26 January 2009

Hollywood's Dichotomy of Error

The activities in which Hollywood starlets engage create more global warming per capita than anyone else.

In order to live the lap of luxury, it demands expenditures of generous amount and dubious value to the individual and the world at large. Many Hollywood starlets, much as they tout green vehicles and conservation own more vehicles than they "need". While they may only drive one car at a time and it may be efficient, they usually own several vehicles, as well as recreation luxury items such as boats, jetskis, corporate jets, and the like, the manufacture and operation of which depends on fossil fuel expenditure. To maintain their image, Hollywood starlets engage in the purchase of products whose manufacture hurts the environment. Forget the animal testing of cosmetics, but the manufacture of lipstick, deodorant, hairspray/gel, ad infinitum, not only involves the expenditure of chemicals and fossil fuels but also ladels poisons such as aluminum into their bodies, not to mention the compressed CO2 in aerosol products.

Advanced medical care that keeps the rich looking young, flawless and pure, also comes at a high energy cost. Some caller on Mark Levin's show Monday mentions that botox comes shipped with dry ice which sublimates into TONS of CO2 as it disappates. In point of fact, virtually all medical care involves this process, as many things come shipped with dry ice or must be stored at low temperatures only made possible by the expenditure of fossil fuels. Like it or not, solar and wind generators remain unable to generate enough energy to run a -80F refrigerator.

Liberals foster companies they frequent and punish everyone else. It's ok if Starbucks executives have corporate jets because they all hang out there, but when GM executives fly in on corporate jets it's bad. Not six months ago they couldn't shut up about "windfall profits" of "Big Oil". Now, nobody hates Chevron, Shell, etc., but they have got to be hurting, especially since OPEC is cutting production to stop the price freefall. Face it, the environmentalist movement was never about the planet; it has always been about other people getting control of you. If they were serious about the environment, thehy would shut down research and plastic surgery instead.

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