For my own part, I think that no man in his right mind wants to be the president of the United States. With rare exception, the men who held that office over the last 232 years enjoyed thankless terms of service that we remember by the evil done rather than the good, which lies interred with their bones. Some of them died bereft of everything, having given their last full measure of devotion to that office, subjected to a vicious vichyssoise of vehement verbiage. Naturally, we seek the best man we can to hold the office, but for many reasons, good men rarely run for any office, let alone the presidency. However, Barack Obama craves that office like a drowning man craves air. Why? He must be out of his mind.
The problem with Obama is that he has a vendetta. Obama has repeatedly mentioned that he and his wife believe America to be a mean country, an abusive culture, and a force for oppression. He casts the country as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate, a victim of the vox populi now vacant among us. Despite his own rags to riches story, he maintains that America’s best days are in the past, and that you can’t get where you want to be in America without the government’s help. According to his recent statements, limitations on government power keep Americans from progressing. Truth is, that limitation of powers has unlocked in America the potential that lies within any people to reach the stars and actualize their dreams. Whereas Obama sees limitations on power as a flaw, that mankind cannot move forward if government is restrained, in America we move forward for that very reason that our government is restrained. For my own part as well as if I dare say Obama’s, under the Bush Administration we enjoy a greater modicum of peace and prosperity than at any other point in my natural born life. In a matter of merely 232 years despite greater civilizations of longer duration, we came to dominate economically, militarily, and in every other way every other older nation on the face of the globe.
Don’t listen to me. Listen to some other people. Obama says that Government will guarantee opportunity and success for every American under his administration. Rush Limbaugh asked on his program on 27 October, 2008:
How does the government do that? How does the government ensure a shot at success? Isn't that up to us? Isn't it up to our own ambition, our desire? Desire is 80% of achievement. Isn't it up to our own willingness? Government can't ensure a shot. The best thing that government can do for people who wish success is to get out of their way, to remove onerous regulations and high taxes. Get rid of the impediments and then strip away all the punishments after they achieve the success. The government of Barack Obama will not incentivize success at all. It will be just the opposite. It will incentivize doing nothing. It will incentivize laziness. It will provide incentives for anger and class warfare and rage.
Obama’s policies discourage ambition and punish achievement. One of my first ancestors in the New World, Governor William Bradford, observed that in the Plymouth colony many of the colonists opted not to produce because the fruits of all labor went into a general coffer. Socialistic programs like those proposed by Obama that redistribute possessions encourage sloth.
Much of Obama’s vengeance deals with race. He imagines crimes done to him and his brothers, nevermind that the Democrats asked in the primaries if he was black enough because of his mixed race. Rush reported in his 24 October, 2008 broadcast Obama’s own words:
”Because I think of the problems that African-Americans face in this country, we tend to have a sanitized view in the African-American community about what is going on in Africa. And the truth of the matter is is that many of the problems that Africa faces, whether it's poverty, uh, or political suppression, uh, or ethnic conflict, uh, is just as prominent there and can't all be blamed on, uh, the effects of colonialism”. (errors in original)
He’s still bitter, despite the fact that he has no slave blood, about how blacks have been treated. He thinks that Americans are to blame for transporting all the bad things about Africa to this country and that we are a colonial power. Excuse me, but we are the least colonial of all the western world. A visiting post-doctoral professor while I was in graduate school who came from Turkey told me that the reason he liked America is that we never fought a war for the express purpose of taking territory from another nation. This is a nation that consistently sacrifices her best blood and her treasure to serve men distal to us in space and time.
Reverend Wright and William Ayers and Father Pfleger account for the rest of Obama’s victimhood mentality. According to them, the leaders of this nation robbed them of their proper right to govern and waylaid their opportunities for advancement. Obama’s mentors think life should be fair and equal. I ask, like S. Morganstern, where is that written? Note that while Obama’s campaign endorses reparations for a long series of abuses and usurpations the founding fathers made no such demands except to be left alone. Government is not an insurance policy, a safety net, or a security blanket. Safety is the true design and END of government, not success, but Obama like most liberals thinks it should ignore the former and do the latter, ignoring its responsibility and focusing on that to which it has no right whatsoever in any free society.
In retribution, Obama wants to use the United States government and the money earned by its citizens to right every wrong ever perpetrated against any other nation, and against anyone in this nation who’s ever been oppressed, unless of course you’re white. To that end, Obama has to disregard the Constitution. Obama hates the Constitution. He wants to give us a new purpose, a new mission statement. We already have one- it’s in the Declaration of Independence. Obama doesn’t seem to care. In fact, most liberals ignore that document which predates the Constitution and regulates the affairs of men in this nation more than anything else. Like most Marxists, Obama wants to use government to take control. He is after all, bright, and articulate and clean, to quote Joe Biden, his would-be VP. Government, according to the Declaration, does not make men free; our Creator does, but those who seek for power and who love government and regulation always ignore freedom and faith. Said Barry Goldwater of this phenomenon, “Throughout history government has proved to be the chief instrument for thwarting man’s liberty. Government represents power in the hands of some men to control and regulate the lives of other men…”
Obama says America isn’t quite right and that he’s the man to fix it. What, praytell, has he ever actually done to make America better? What legislation has he passed? He has a thinner resume of accomplishments than I do. He just happens to have a better university pedigree. Yet, people line up and fawn over him. The parking lot at this university where I work is full of cars sporting his bumper sticker slogans. They don’t really even know what he stands for; they’re just mad. Like their mentor, they act as if there’s been no progress in this country and as if there’s nothing of good report or praiseworthy about the nation he calls his home. How can a man who hates this country so much be seriously considered as its next president? Said Rush Limbaugh:
Obama, very consistent about America is to blame. Now, he's consistent. He's wrong in practically everything he's voted on and said, but he's consistent with it. He doesn't shock his supporters. He doesn't make 'em scratch their heads. Of course they're not even really listening to the substance of what Obama is saying.
As far as I’m concerned, every senator who has knowingly voted in favor of a measure that is unconstitutional has violated his oath of office and should be kicked out in disgrace.
That being said, why do I support McCain? First off as a codicil, I am not enamored with John McCain. I think he’s an opportunist, but he is by no means a Marxist. Fred Thompson summarized in an advertisement he cut for McCain in South Carolina the reasons why we should support McCain:
“John McCain’s entire life has been devoted to defending those principles that made our country great.”
What about Barack Obama? Well, he and his wife think America is a mean and unfair country. His wife said that with her husband’s nomination she was proud of her country for the first time in her life. Not because they became millionaires off their book sales or when they made great strides as law professors, but only when America nominated him for the highest position of power in the land.
Despite his law degree, Obama knows absolutely nothing about the rule of law. In his own words in 1991 on PBS, he said, “I think we can say that the Constitution reflected an enormous blind spot in this culture that carries on to this day and that the Framers had the same blind spot.” What blind spot? They did the best any other nation in the history of the world ever has to vouchsafe liberties for its citizens. How can a man who hates the Constitution be expected to uphold it? He cannot in good conscience take the oath of office; he will not defend it; he will manipulate it. Rush Limbaugh said on 27 October, 2008:
Barack Obama was an anti-constitutionalist professor. He studied the Constitution and he flatly rejected it. He doesn't like the Constitution. He thinks it is flawed. Now I understand why he was so reluctant to wear the American flag lapel pin. Why would he?...He looks at the government as something that can do something to people, and he's mad that the Constitution limits the role of government in people's liberty. That's why he's saying he doesn't like here. He doesn't like the idea of liberty, and he wants to change it!
He’s embarrassed to be an American. That’s why he had to go over to Germany to give a speech. That’s why he perpetuates a system of fraudulent contributions on his website, so as to allow foreigners to donate. Have you heard about the man in Gaza making cold calls on Obama’s behalf? No candidate in American history has ever had that kind of foreign endorsement. They were never intended to.
In the midst of unbridled American prosperity, Obama and the other Marxists want to remake America in the image of Europe. As I wrote in my first book, Responsible Liberty, “We do not need a lesson in international diplomacy, ethics, or law. There is not a single country in the world that is like ours, and we cannot learn from them, no matter how similar they may be, how to make this nation succeed.” Europeans, I know from personal experience and from reports, want to be more like we are. There is a good reason why America could not be built in Europe. Anyone who’s read Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith knows why.
Barack Obama’s nomination is historic. It’s historic in two ways: that a man can run a campaign based entirely on race, and that a man who hates the nation can possibly have an iota of chance at wresting control thereof peacefully without a coup. Obama’s campaign rhetoric and the premise on which it is based is as bad as Brutus turning on Ceasar. Said Mark Levin on 28 October 2008:
That a man so clear in his understanding of the Constitution and so opposed to the basic tenants it provides against tyranny and the abuse of power can run for president is shameful enough. If he wins, it’s a disaster.
The only verdict is vengeance, and if Obama wins, he will take out his wrath on everyone.
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