Democrat candidates sell themselves on the basis that they care about the little guy, in keeping with historical tradition that dates back to Thomas Jefferson. In truth, at the founding of the Democratic-Republicans under President Jefferson, his friends fought for yeomen farmers and small businesses against the Federalists, who believed in a stronger and centralized government. Anyone who’s read Adam Smith, John Locke, and the platforms of either party however knows that the Democrats as presently constituted stray as far as possible from those inauspicious beginnings, having been waylaid by the Liberal left.
Since the New Deal, Democrat policy favors what DeToqueville refers to as the American Aristocracy- those who do very little to actually earn their money. Among that ilk, one finds a succession of people made rich and famous more by their bloodline than by their actual contributions to society. Anyone who argues this would do well to explain to me as a rebuttal how Charlie Sheen continues to reproduce when he offers little of demonstrable substance towards the betterment of American ideals. She only mated with him for his money; no woman of substance would have that idiotic fop. Every American who casts a vote for a leftist Democrat does so at his own detriment. You have been damned by the Democrats.
The Democrat party touts itself as defender of the downtrodden, yet, they are the ones in effect holding you back from realization of your potential. After the war on drugs, the war on poverty, the war on race, ad infinitum (which would never have been possible without Conservative support), the people the Democrats supposedly aim to aid are no better off than before. They promise to fix your life, but nothing they do is actually calculated to elevate your first estate. Rather, their policies dissuade men from trying, from taking responsibility, and from wresting control of their fate from some faceless and nameless leviathan against whom man must struggle. If you disagree with them, they cast you out and cut you off. Look at Zell Miller.
Democrat policy concerns itself with making people victims and then giving them excuses. Instead of holding the 5% of people accountable who got into bad loans, they hold the other 95% responsible, who already demonstrated themselves as being responsible adults. Barack Obama told “Joe the Plumber” that he was going to tax anyone with aspirations, in direct contradiction to principles established by Adam Smith as fundamental to general prosperity. The yeoman farmers gave us our freedom to begin with; Obama’s policies will eliminate the frequency and power of yeomen farmers, and restore it to the aristocracy.
In order for Democrat elites to maintain power, they must keep people perpetually mad. They tell you “the Man” is out to get you, that you suffer because of things beyond your control. Then, they take control of things, in essence taking people who might otherwise be productive and held them back from their potential, and then they damn all the people who make progress through punitive measures. Nothing is every your fault, and nothing ever changes. I don't care what Obama says. He's not offering the change we need. The yeomen broke free of the barons by asserting freedoms and rights under the Magna Charta and then through economic prosperity. Prosperity and freedom cannot be had any other way. Try to fix one bad choice with another bad choice and you promise nothing useful. Two wrongs don't make things right.
Damnation means to be held back. Democrats hold regular people back from being as smart, as rich, as happy, and as free as they can make themselves. They do this under codewords like “equality” and “for the children”. What about you? How is it just to you to deny you your inalienable rights in favor of someone else’s? How is equality fair? DeTocqueville wrote that you can either be free or you can be equal, but that the two in complete form are mutually exclusive.
Isn’t it about time that a Democrat who really cared about the little people espoused ideas of limited government and individual freedom? That’s what Jefferson touted. Yet the party of the people is peopled by them with pelf who must, according to Adam Smith, keep the yeomen down in order to maintain their power. I seek not for power, but to pull it down, for I rejoice in the freedom of my fellow Americans from bondage and tyranny.
Don’t let the Democrats doom you to damnation. Dig Doug.
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