01 October 2008

Just Words


Barack Obama keeps talking about how important it is that we look beyond words to the actions of people. I ask you, what then does he expect us to see in him? All Obama does is talk, and when he does act, it does nothing to help the citizens of this nation- only himself.

Obama racked up an impressive 143 days of service in the senate before running for President. He sponsored no major legislation and voted “present” 98 times, when he was actually around. The last person in Congress with this dubious record was John Edwards (D-SC), lovingly referred to by his constituents as “Senator Who?” When the economic “crisis” loomed, Obama refused to suspend his campaign, saying he preferred to just reach out on the phone. On Monday, he told us that he didn’t try to talk any House Republicans into voting for the bailout because he doesn’t have that kind of influence.

I thought he was supposed to be the unifier. I thought he was going to bring change. If he can’t bring Republicans in to work with Democrats, what good is he? Obama’s about as useful as the dictionary on my desk, which right now makes a great paperweight.

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