23 September 2008

What They Want to Hear


Despite my better judgment, I took a phone call from the Obama Campaign today taking a “poll” about the upcoming election. I know they called me because, since 2000, I’ve been a registered Democrat. They launched into a series of questions that eventually led up to ascertaining my degree of support for the Democrat presidential nominee.

As soon as I informed them I was “Very Unlikely” to change my mind and vote for Obama in November, the pollster promptly hung up on me. (What I actually said was that God would have to personally appear to me and command me to vote for Obama.) Obviously I didn’t tell her what she wanted to hear. Obama’s campaign wants to be able to report to pollsters in battleground states like Nevada that they have stalwart backing not only from their registered constituency but also from the populace at large.

In every election, the media writes what Rush Limbaugh calls “editorials masquerading as news” based on poorly designed statistical endeavors to create impressions in the mind of people in states like Nevada that Obama is going to take the state in a landslide. Yet, drive through my Henderson neighborhood, and you’ll find in a half mile square only TWO Obama signs, both of which have been there since before the primary. There is no apparent excitement about the Democrat nominee among my neighbors.

I’m not enamored with McCain, but I cannot in good conscience vote for a Marxist who, even if you believe intends to rule well, means to rule. Obama would wrest control of the country from them to whom it rightly belongs- the people, and he does it while telling us what we want to hear. Be honest with us and yourself Mr. Obama- you’re the Boy Who Would Be King.

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