29 September 2008

The FM/FM Affair


Although the buzzwords Fanny Mac and Freddy May no longer appear in the media, the current economic “crisis” still revolves around their dubious business practices. In the end, people know the FM/FM Affair precipitated the Panic of 2008 and what could become the Socialist Act of 2008 as Congress mulls bailout bill after bailout bill, designed not so much to benefit us as much as to use this excuse to seize power.

Compare the FM/FM Affair to the October surprise of 2006. Back then, remember they paraded CEOs from Enron, Imclone, Worldcom, and others before the court tribunal and then rejoiced as the convicts shuttled off to jail. Today, the disgraced CEOs of FM/FM, Bear-Stearns, Lehman, etc., hold prominent and lucrative positions in Barack Obama’s campaign staff, and projectedly his cabinet should he win the election. The duplicity with which these thieves have been treated reminds me of the Buccaneer Theory of Economics practized by the Democrat party. While the media used to expose corruption in high places, they now protect it if Democrats occupy those echelons (assuming of course those Democrats agree with them politically).

In the current blame game, they dress it up in an ambiguous recognition of guilt, which is tantamount to absolving everyone of blame. Two years ago, the media spent weeks on George Allen saying “mukahkah” and Trent Lott’s suggestive emails to a page (charges were recently dismissed), and now they give every Democrat a pass who benefitted from the FM/FM Affair. Yes, John McCain received some sum ($50K) from FM/FM, but the top four recipients, totaling $750,000 include the following in descending order: Chris Dodd (D-CN), Barack Obama (D-IL), Hillary Clinton (D-NY), and John Kerry (D-MA). All of them have within the past four years been involved running for President of the United States. I trust them as far as I can throw the universe. How about you?

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