08 September 2008

Round-trip Trip-up


I read this article briefly the other day about Hulk Hogan’s divorce. Although I’m not a Hogan fan, I remember laughing for a different reason a few years ago when he launched a sitcom called “Hogan Knows Best” where he was going to show us how a wrestler makes a family work. Whatever the reason for his divorce, I appreciate his efforts at trying to show America a different way, a tougher way, to raise children. I think America’s children need more discipline, more boundaries, and more parenting, especially where parents are afraid to upset their kids. You can’t be their friend; you must be their parents.

It’s also commendably brave to put your beliefs and theories on display after this fashion for all the world to see. When I wrote my first book, my best friend’s first comment revolved around his awe for my willingness to put myself out there for criticism by others. Whether the sitcom led to the divorce or revealed reasons that served as sufficient grounds now, I’m laughing for a different reason. Hogan certainly knows about something. He’s sure worth a lot of money.

All my best sir, except for where you may not have concertedly try to do yours.

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