16 October 2012

Dangers of Cycling

As is customary twice per week, I rolled out of bed early this morning, donned bright colors to increase visibility, grabbed my headlamp, and hit the streets on my bicycle. Contrary to normal experience, during the 10 miles I rode, I was almost hit by cars three times. I don't think drivers look for cyclists. In the past, I have seen drivers look "at" me and then go anyway almost as if they didn't register that a bicycle was there. It's kind of dangerous.

Each of the cases was unique, but each of them had a common theme. The drivers were in a hurry, and I was in their way. In the case of the first, I came up on a blind corner and slowed as I normally do, just as the car pulled out across my path of travel. I was already slow, and the brakes stopped me from hitting the car. In the case of the second, I was passing a street with a stop sign, and I heard the car sliding to a stop; I don't think the driver (who was a white male in a Mustang) actually intended to stop, because he stopped a good 10 feet beyond the stop sign. Finally, I was waiting to cross the street at a corner. Rather than yield or do anything to help me cross (I was 1/8 mile from home), he changed lanes without signalling, and if I had started across, he would have hit me.

I cycle because it's good aerobic exercise and because it allows me to save money on short trips to the store. I do not do it for the environment. In fact, it's dangerous to my personal environment for me to ride a bike. There is still debris in the bike lanes from the huge rain two weeks ago, the cars do not yield to me even if I'm at the corner, and the protection afforded by a bicycle if I were hit is little to none, with little walking out the door. Sometimes I ride my bicycle to work on Fridays, but it's because I choose to as a way to save money and work out at the same time, not out of any conscious effort for the planet. I don't do this much in summer because it's not very easy or wise to ride a bicycle in Vegas during the summer.

Despite the dangers, for some reason the government wants us on bikes. They want us out of our cars, out of the suburbs, crammed together so we're easier to control. Cars mean freedom, including the freedom to be stupid or to kill someone else. Driving is a privilege, but it's a good one in my opinion. Oh sure, they throw us a bone by putting in bike lanes and such, but if they don't keep them clear or educate drivers to watch for us, then what's the point? Cars end up using them as ersatz turn lanes and get in my way.

Until cycling becomes more common, it will continue to be dangerous. Very few people in my neighborhood go outside; my neighbor still runs his AC during the day (yesterday's high was 83F). They don't get out of their cars, and so cars are the only form of transportation they recognize if they recognize one at all. Not enough people ride bicycles in Vegas for the people to be aware or inclined, and not enough days are good weather for the novice cyclist. Then again, when I'm out there are throngs of young children out who stand to be hit by inattentive drivers. Interesting. I know when I see them I register that they seem completely unaware of the cars or the dangers or of traffic, and I wonder if I was so completely unaware as a child. I hope they stay safe.


Jan said...

So glad YOU were aware -- I know several people who have been hit while biking and it's scary.

Yulia Shmatkova said...

I know a 9 year old from my neighborhood who rides bike to school. I would be so scared to let my such small kids ride to school by themselves. And that 9 year old is so tiny, weights less than my 6 year old..
I cannot imagine now how we in Russia used to walk to school by ourselves from 7 y.o., in any season..in a darkness and snowfall in the morning.. with no really lights outside..