12 October 2012

Biden's Bully Pulpit

I didn't watch the VP debate for two reasons. First, the Vice President debate rarely affects the outcome unless the Presidential candidate is pathetic, ala McCain-Palin. Secondly, I didn't expect it to have much substance knowing Biden as I do. Partly, I expected Biden to be an idiot, because he comes across as rather stupid, but the rest I knew would come from the only way Biden knows how to debate.

Biden is schooled in one thing only- the art of rhetoric. In debate, the person who argues the best wins, regardless of the facts, and so I expected Biden to try to take charge and pepper Ryan with half truths and whole lies as quickly as possible, which he did. I find it odd that the Democrats are so critical of Sherman's battle strategy while they also slash and burn through people with Southern Values. So, Biden can win the debate by attacking his opponent rather than attacking his opponent's ideas. This is what most people hate about politics, except for Democrats when Democrat candidates for office engage in it.

Carpet-bombing Ryan’s character, Joe Biden opened up as I expected him to. The tactic is simple- hit him with so many things that he cannot respond to all of them well if at all, not to mention the interruptions by the moderator. Biden the attack dog was completely and openly contemptuous and disrespectful, but DEMs loved it. He interrupted Ryan 82 times while the moderator was complicit to this unfair attack, although DEMs go on and on about fairness. What they really mean by "fairness" is to have things their way, but I digress. The Moderator was the third wheel, chiming in and two-timing Ryan in a cage match. Next time, maybe she should just step in the ring and smash Ryan over the head with a chair.

People looking for a reason to hate Ryan found one, nevermind the notion that Biden has been lying in the Senate longer than I have been alive. People who liked Biden did so not because he was smart but because they emotionally hate the GOP. Biden was not nice, and if he did that to them, they would, rightly so, think he was an odious man, which he is. All the while, they forget that Biden was the one who called people who don't pay taxes "unpatriotic". I guess they don't want to be patriots.

Biden lies more on the record than any other politician. He lied about his resume and still does. He has more gaffes than any other politician of which I am aware. The problem with his gaffe’s is that they’re usually true. While he talks about fighting the system, he hopes you won’t notice that he IS the system. Some people at least rightly recognized that he was a rude and cranky old man or a condescending prick. You’re a great guy, Paul Ryan, but… (incidentally that’s very similar to the title of my autobiography)

From his bully pulpit, Joe Biden attempted to beat up Paul Ryan. With the assistance of the media, the moderator, and "the masses", the message will go out that Biden did Obama a service when he really cheapened the process more than anything. Democrats would rather be witty than wise, crafty than craftsmen, fair than free. Biden showed all of that last night, but most Democrats won't care. They are that troublesome third.

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