01 July 2012

We Talk of Christ...

Saturday afternoon, when I returned home from my hike, I took a shower and sat down to relax. Ironically enough, I was reading the Bible when there came a knock at the door. Not expecting company, I am surprised I got up, but I did.

At the door, I found a family that turned out to be a group of people proselytyzing for the Jehovah's Witnesses. Since their door approach revolved around Jesus Christ and given the fact that I have myself been a missionary, I decided to invite them in. To my great surprise, they declined and did everything possible to move along although I did manage to get a copy of their booklet. I've never read it in English.

When I was on my mission, we tracted into a neighborhood full of Jehovah's Witnesses. After a few homes, one of their members invited us to their Bible study group. To their great surprise, we accepted. Over the next several weeks, we met with them and discussed not only their magazine but also the passages of scripture upon which their magazines were allegedly predicated. We had no ulterior motive. We were there to study the Bible.

To our great dismay, eventually one of their leaders put a stop to our visits. I can only assume he feared that our continued visits would strip him of control over his members. In the case of my recent visit, I was completely surprised that they rejected an opportunity to talk with me in my house about the Savior. Maybe they're not used to it; maybe they were afraid of me. Very few people have actually been invited into my house.

I'm excited to talk about Christ. Perhaps that's why some of my students are surprised by me. They expect scientists to believe in data and worship statistics. I would rather talk about that, but since I don't have a degree in theology (because I don't think that makes a man a servant of God since Paul wrote the Hebrews that "no man taketh this honor unto himself save he is called of God as was Aaron"), I don't teach that at college; I teach Chemistry.

You see, I am not concerned with my convictions. Even when leaders of my own Faith insist that I follow blindly the philosophies of man, I take everything to God and inquire of Him. I act only if I feel that it is what I ought to do. Come on over any time and I'll be happy to talk of Christ with you.

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