The Constitution of the United States is a heavenly banner; it is to all those who are privileged with the sweets of its liberty, like the cooling shades and refreshing waters of a great rock in a thirsty and weary land. It is like a great tree under whose branches men from every clime can be shielded from the burning rays of the sun. --Joseph Smith Jr, 25 Mar 1839
This week, I have been attacked afresh for my religious affiliation. I expect, as the Presidential campaign advances, for these attacks to escalate. Any many who accuses us of being unfriendly to the United States and her Constitution accuses us of being unfaithful to our Faith.
Several years ago when I first visited Independence Hall for the first time, my friend Thom observed that I was exceptionally quiet and respectful. I told him that these documents were to me as if works of scripture and as such deserved the quiet reverence we accord to other documents inspired of God.
As I cannot say it better than a prophet of God, I leave you with his words on this Independence Day. I know that you share this feeling and pray that you will do all in your power to keep it alive.
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