05 December 2011

Taking the Bait

I learned Friday night that fish have a memory that lasts about two minutes. For this reason primarily, it is easy to catch fish, even the same one if you catch and release, with the same bait, day after day, year after year. How ironic then that we believe ourselves a superior species when we also have such a short memory when it comes to political bait.

Politicians count on our short memory when it comes to political activity in order to perpetuate their political power. Every time they do something that stirs up political fervor, they back off slightly until the pressure simmers down, and then they find a new way to do it. See, once it's done, our anger doesn't suffice to change anything. This way they can use the same tactics or same end games over and over and get what they seek irrespective of the will of the people.

Frequently, they use the same bait, the same lure, and the same lines to fish for us. They tell us that the GOP wants to fire teachers, policemen, and end Social security. DEMs promise us jobs and money and prosperity and peace if we just give them a little more power. What is more amazing to me is that, just like the fish, we forget that they said the same thing two minutes ago, and swallow the parliament jester's foist hook line and sinker. We almost always take the bait.

Like the fishermen, the politician does not do what he does for the benefit of the fish. These particular fishers of men bait us for their own elevation, opulence and advancement, always careful to garb it in writ that sounds like it's for our good. Even if it happens to benefit you, that is accidental. The politician does not do what he does for your benefit; he does it for his.

Real statesmen do what they do even when it might be bad for them individually. You can tell who's doing the right thing, because they typically have nothing to gain. The true measure of a man, I heard in a talk on CD this weekend, is in how he treats other people, not how well off he is. I heard that Obama was brazen enough to say that even if America fails his kids will be ok. What in thunder? What kind of president talks about America failing or says something akin to "sucks to be you, but my kids will be fine"?

It's almost as if people today want to be deceived and are too lazy to do anything about it. They are too attached to their 'stuff' and unwilling to sacrifice anything on the altar of freedom. That is inconsistent with American tradition, where men pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to do what they ought.

So as we head into 2012, remember there is an agenda in what they tell you. They are baiting you with the same old lines, the same old bait, and the same old lures. They want to hook you and reel you in, either to devour you to serve their own ends or just so long so they can get where they want to go, whereupon they will release you back where you were, no better off than you were before except by accident. Why do they do it? Because they want to win above all else. They are not interested in America's success per se, only their own. If they aren't enough without winning an election, they will never be enough with it.

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