Barack Obama likes to talk about how he has saved us from the most dire times this nation has ever faced. He talks about how he saved the auto industry, decimated Al Qaeda, prevented predatory banking, established a health care system that will prevent you from going bankrupt for medical bills, and brought the economy back from the greatest economic slump since the Great Depression. "I would put our legislative accomplishments of the first two years on par with any president except perhaps Johnson, FDR, and Lincoln" he said.
My life isn't really better because of Obama. In fact, the only indicator that Obama can influence, my economic standing, is down. The county sent my tax assessment results this weekend that show that I am now underwater in my mortgage, even though I paid less for my house than it sold for when it was new in 1998. I reminded my boss at my annual review in October that I am the only member of the department who is earning less now than when he was hired; they hired me, froze pay increases, and then gave us a paycut. I have hesitated for months getting a backup car because my gas expense, even though I get 38mpg on average over the life of my car, now costs me almost twice what it did when he was elected. The only reason I feel better under Obama is because of my attitude.
People in leadership positions of any heirarchy try to create an impression. See, they venerate the status quo even while they claim they fight against it. Usually, they draw power from the fear and dependency they can create; they do not want to solve your problems because then you don't need them any more. They have huge egos. They unjustly ascribe all the negative things to other sources and unjustly claim credit for all the accomplishments. For many months now, Obama has been claiming we are recovering while he claims he needs five more years to finish the job. You can't have it both ways. Either it has worked or it hasn't. From where I stand the conclusion is obvious.
Perhaps your circumstances are different. I do after all live in Las Vegas, which is one of the hardest hit areas of the country. We still have high unemployment and foreclosures which will continue if they pay for the payroll tax cut with new fees on mortgages. Obama acts like the farmer who thinks in order to get more eggs from the golden goose it makes sense to slay it. He will talk about shared sacrifice, living within our means, and being wise while his wife jets off with the most massive entourage in American history for vacations at our expense. Yet, he has probably been able to justify everything in his own mind. You see, it wasn't until after he was elected president that he was finally proud of his country. It's all about him.
I have warned for a good long while about causality and coincidence. If you have benefitted from Obama, unless you are his friend or useful to him somehow, I am 95% confident that it's accidental. Do not buy what the media tell you. They are trying to create an impression in your mind. The Ministry of Truth isn't concerned with Truth as much as they are concerned with what they want to be true or more importantly what they need you to think is. That's how they maintain control. When you own the information, you can bend it all you want.
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