Although we are prone to think of a particular group as subject to slavery, the truth is that white men have plenty of experience on the receiving side as well. Slavery after all was one way to maximize the utility of any nation's common resource- its labor. Even in the richest nations with the most potential, the limiting factor to their development and utilization has always been the people who live there and their skills. White men have been very adept at enslaving one another, and other nations have taken the opportunity to enslave whites when it presented itself.
Vice as a trade
It is common knowledge that there is a white slave trade today. Russian brides, young girls, even unofficial wives of 'polygamists' are frequently pressed into service out of their homes while yet young. This is done without guarantors, contracts, rights, or remuneration. They are put to work meeting the demands of men in other nations. A significant fraction of prostitutes are white, male and female. They even sell children on the market, as food, and as children, depending on your particular ghoulish appetites. People are a commodity too in the eyes of some, and there are those of every race anxious for their piece of flesh. Let's also keep in mind those who are enslaved to controlled substances.
Indentured servitude
Until as late as the 1910s, many immigrants made it to America on promissory notes. These people traded a series of years at hard labor or whatever labor in exchange for passage across the sea. Although terms varied, it was generally terminable after a period of years, and then without so much as 40 acres and a mule. Even in New England, and later in Chicago and Milwaukee, people came across in at least temporary slavery despite the religious tenants of those areas.
Military impressment
As nations expanded, they needed more men to work the fields, pay taxes and fight. We forget that Leonidas had not just 300 Spartans at Thermophalae, but also thousands of warriors impressed into service as did the Persians who marched against him and the Macedonians before them. Even the Irishmen who marched upon Lexington were indentured of sorts. Most of the men who headed to Concord in the British Regiments were Irishmen released from debtor's prison in exchange for a regular service in the Americas. You would not probably know this unless you went there and listened to the stories. This is as true in real life as in fiction, which gives us multitudes of examples as well of this phenomenon.
Second class to citizen
Under the Greek and Roman empires, manpower was limited. Even at this time in civilization, men were still largely tribal in nature, and so in order to establish an empire or to resist empires that came against them, they had to band together. Sometimes, the banding was not voluntary. Under the Roman empire, you could work your way up into Roman society even if you were at first enveloped. For most, this meant service in the legions, but even those who began as slaves could find themselves at least second class and then citizens within generations. It's also referred to as assimilation. The Scandanavians are known for taking women alive by which to breed, and so the offspring would be welcomed in although their mothers were alien. The women did not go voluntarily, and although not sold by their countrymen were still bought with a price.
Some groups were never going to be so elevated. For example, the Jews seem to have the poor fortune of being relegated to slavery by conquering political power, whether that power is Pharoah or the National Socialists. They were there to work for their masters, but they were never considered as valuable as many of those sold into impressment. They are still hated and villified today as a group, no matter how many among them may rise in prosperity and prominence.
Contrary to popular notions, whites are not the guilty as a whole and others the victims. In the movie "Captain Blood" Hollywood tells us the tale of some Scottish rebels who are spared death at the noose for service on the sugarcane fields of the Caribbean. When they break out and turn pirate, the adventure is born, but Errol Flynn tells his white leading lady, who was the one who bought him upon his arrival in Jamaica, that "your slave is grateful for all marks of favor". Think of the thousands upon thousands of white men who died in the American Civil War as a consequence of which slaves were supposedly emancipated although indentured servitude would continue. Think of the thousands upon thousands of white men who died to free the Jews from Hitler, who died trying to stop Ghenghis Khan's push into Europe, who die every day in defense of civil rights on the battlefields of Iraq, Afghanistan, and beyond. By the blood of our people are your lands and liberties kept safe.
While Europeans are usually villified as the means, cause, and source of slavery, logic shows us otherwise. If the 'out of africa' theory of evolution is true, then the first hominoids were not white, and therefore any slavery before that phenotypic ascension could not possibly be their fault. A significant fraction of slaves sold into the African triangle were taken by others of their own race in war and sold to traders who took care of their goods as would any trader. Also, those of the Founding Fathers who had slaves treated them well generally and often freed them upon their death.
It is contrary to Christian principle for any man to be in bondage to one another. Yet, there are people of every demographic who sell drugs, who offer loans at exorbitant rates of usury, who are physically and mentally and verbally abusive, who are self-centered in their aims, and who in essence enslave others. Whites paid a great price and continue to pay it to right that wrong and let other people live peaceably within the bounds of law. One of our common principles in Anglo-Saxon culture today is freedom by law, and so we will continue to fight against every form of tyranny over the mind, as well as the body, of man, just like that great statesman Thomas Jefferson to whom that idea is first attributed.
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