The Twitter Townhall was a Treasure Trove of Quotes that should be able to bury Barack Obama as America's worst presidential demagogue.
Although I only caught the last two questions, here are some of my favorite quotes:
"we can cut defense 1% and pay for all of education"
"welfare payments are not the cause of our debt"
"we're there to support you as long as you're willing to show responsibility for being willing to work"
"those who say we can't make any changes to our social welfare programs or else you're being mean to old people"
"there are some programs that if they are not working we should be willing to eliminate them"
"what ties us together is this idea that everybody's got a shot as long as you carry out your responsibilities"
"you would not have Twitter if the DoD and some universities had not made investments in something called the internet" --I thought it was Al Gore
Senator Jeff Sessions was correct: We are not for taxing ourselves to bail out wreckless spending.
Why should Republicans have to come to the table with something when Democrats have never even passed a budget in 798 days?
"It's really irresponsible"
The media is a joke. They mentioned a few questions from major GOP officials and their suggestions for Obama's answer:
Will you admit stimulus is a mistake?nope
What's your budget plan?better than yours
Cheeky, but not useful or illuminating.
Keep talking, Mr. President. You make the case for your own replacement better than anyone else. Not to mention the stuttering... Stay tuned for more when I catch up on this tomorrow.
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