All too frequently, the judicial branch shows complete contempt for the people of a state or nation-state. In California, the court overturned a ballot measure defining marriage. They have tried to overturn repeals of Obamacare and for now stalled Arizona's border enforcement measure with threats to do the same for Alabama. Fortunately in Wisconsin, there is a judge who knows his real place.
It shouldn't be news that the Wisconsin state supreme court upheld the actions of the Wisconsin legislature to throw out collective bargaining rights. The legislature met and voted on a measure. If the unions had a problem with that, they should have strong-armed the legislators that are sympathetic with them to return to their state and go back to work. When Romneycare was passed in Massachussetts, that was the right of the legislators of that state, bad an idea though it may have been.
I protest the actions of these judges. So many of them are clothed in the black robes of a false priesthood, claiming power and authority and setting themselves up as gods among men. Furthermore, they veribly demand to be called "your honor" when they do not honor the law or the people who established it. This is especially arduous in places like Nevada where judges are selected by election. As soon as they get the robe on, they act as if they're better than we are.
This is why so many of the states were hesitant to ratify the Constitution of the United States, because they were afraid that national law or judges would overrule their own state legislatures. They proved prescient in their fears. Congress is ultimately responsible for the current state of tyranny, having allowed the Executive and Judicial branches to usurp Legislative authority. We are so hesitant to pass laws for fear that the court might strike them down so as to give them the final word on what laws should be extant. It says "We the People" not we the judges, the senators, or the president. Those are titles, and when you leave office, the mantle of authority returns to the people in whom the power rests and from whom the authority came in the first place.
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